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perfect accuracy fighters #20

Open Novaras opened 5 years ago

Novaras commented 5 years ago

I've found that setting setBallistics parameters to 1, a, b actually does the opposite of what's indicated in this thread: https://forums.gearboxsoftware.com/t/2-0s-new-weapon-tweakables/1553231/2 (which is the only place I can find any information about it).

As quoted:

setBallistics(NewWeaponType,BOOL,FIREAHEAD,FIREBEHIND); //Bool turns on/off ballistic modeling on the weapon. FIREAHEAD/FIREBEHIND are optional and allows the weapon to fire in front or behind the target.

On weapons with steering (non ballistic), the engine ensures that a percentage of shots fired will strike the target based on the accuracy table within the weapon. On weapons without steering (ballistic), the weapon aims directly at the target and fires (or ahead of/behind, if deflection capable), and whether it hits or not is subject to bullet speed, target speed, weapon range and target behavior. The accuracy table is used to determine the number of shots that are considered “aimed”. An aimed shot does full damage if it strikes the target , an unaimed shot is subject to the miss rules (miss cone, Hi/Lo damage, miss speed and miss lifetime) to determine bullet damage and behavior.

Multiple combinations exist to create several hybridizations of ballistic modeling. Almost all strike craft and ships designed to counter strike craft now utilize some form of ballistic modeling.

First off, I can't detect any change when meddling with the last two alleged parameters (referred to as FIREAHEAD and FIREBEHIND - they may not even exist. If they do, the scenario in which they appear is something I haven't tried yet.

More importantly, setting the boolean parameter to 0 (false) actually seems to enable ballistics. Nearly all weapons in the game use ballistics in this case - in fact these are all the weapons I can find (2.1) that use guided projectiles (non-ballistic) explicitly: image

However, not including the call to setBallistics(0, ...) seems to be equivalent to calling setBallistics(1, ...), so there might be a bunch more weapons which have guided projectiles.

The main takeaway here is that making fighter battles more deterministic is entirely possible with 100% accuracy weapons, removing hundreds of rolls per dogfight. No int weapons have damage ranges either, just leaving flight maneuvers as the final RNG element.

I don't know if this is desired or not, but at least its possible. Variance in TTK can be tackled quite well here. Also, this means weapons no longer have such colossal drops in their accuracy against targets moving up or sideways relative to their orientation.

S5SS commented 5 years ago

Hmm sounds worth it to me, especially if this can help with hitting moving collectors. I just wonder what will happen to the existing balances between fighters.