SAmeis / pascalio

Input/Output library for Raspberry Pi or any other Linux based microcontroller
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New Unit #4

Open zeljkoc opened 7 years ago

zeljkoc commented 7 years ago

I added two units. lcddriver.pas LCD Display 2 x 16 - I2c GpioButons.pas GPIO input keyboard, Measure how long a button is pressed Press and LongPress

Test to Orange pi zero

SAmeis commented 7 years ago

Hello @zeljkoc, I'd really like to add the functionality to the PascalIO. But I can't figure out, which types of LCD displays the class can be used for or what the counting in the button class is good for. Could you please add some lines of documentation? Regards Simon

zeljkoc commented 7 years ago

Exampl counting in the button: var btCount: TButtonGpioLinuxPin; Count: Longint; begin btCount := TButtonGpioLinuxPin.Create(1); btCount.Direction := gdIn; btCount.InterruptMode:=[gimRising, gimFalling]; repeat count := btCount.PressCount; if (count > 0) and (count <= 4) then begin //Increment end else if (count > 10) then begin //decrement end;

until false;


zeljkoc commented 7 years ago

Example LCD var lcd: TLCD;

begin lcd:= TLCD.Create($3F, 0); lcd.init;

lcd.Clear; lcd.WriteString('Hello', 1); //row 1 lcd.WriteString( 'World' , 2); //row 2

end. // picture Display