Open H4RT4N opened 5 years ago
Going to the movie page from the links provided by the search function logs the user out.
reason for defect: This defect probably stems from the fact that the search bar component does not use any cookies which the rest of the other features use to keep the user logged on. Group 2 lacks the time and skills to integrate cookies into the component.
Searching can only match results if the keyword matches from substring(0). Searching for "wick" will not produce "John Wick" as a result. Instead, "iohn" will produce "John Wick" because the keyword matches from starting from substring(0).
reason for defect: same as the extra space defect, firebase matches keywords and data in the database in a linear order so strings that would be in the middle of a movie title will not match with the data in the database.
Entering a keyword with extra spaces will produce no matches from a search. For ex: "The **** Incredibles" where "*" represents spaces will produce no results
reasons for defect: This is probably due to the way firebase handles queries (which the search function uses) when it looks up something. When firebase looks up a query it will try to match the string in a linear order (i.e if a query is looking to match the keyword "john wick" in the database fire store will try to match "j" then "o" then "h" then "n" then " " then "w" then "i" then "c" then "k") so extra spaces will result in no matches because the movie database doesn't have any movies with multiple spaces.