SDL-Hercules-390 / hyperion

The SDL Hercules 4.x Hyperion version of the System/370, ESA/390, and z/Architecture Emulator
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IPL failure with Hyperion v4.2 #258

Closed dfortier2346 closed 3 years ago

dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago

Previously ran licensed version of z/OS under Hercules 3.13 as distributed in LINUX Mint repository.

Recently installed Hyperion 4.2.1 and am experiencing an issue I can't exactly match in any reported SDL issues.

During the IPL process, I see the following on the system console:


You will notice the affected program is IEAVNPF5 -- this is the match I can't seem to locate in your reports. Additionally, the Hercules Studio log contains the message "HHC00809I Processor CP00: disabled wait state 0002000080000000 0000000000009064" and the Messages and Codes Manual HEMC040000-00 states this message is not yet documented.

I reviewed earlier recommendations to review and modify the configuration file to conform to the new parameters of Hyperion V4 and the system still fails to IPL.

I am happy to provide whatever additional documentation you may require, but there isn't much.

Regards, Dennis

dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago

Did not intend to close this issue or create a second comment. Please excuse the newbie :(

Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

Previously ran licensed version of z/OS under Hercules ...

What version?   1.10?   1.13?   2.1?   2.3?

... disabled wait state 0002000080000000 0000000000009064" and the Messages and Codes Manual HEMC040000-00 states this message is not yet documented.

Look here:



During nucleus initialization program (NIP) processing, NIP detected a software or hardware error. An attempt was made to enter the recovery termination manager (RTM). This was trapped by NIP because the system is in a variable state of initialization and, in particular, RTM is not fully initialized.

  • 009 A program check occurred. Accompanying message IEA304W further explains this wait state and entry code.

  Bottom line: SDL Hyperion 4.x is very different from Hercules 3.x. Please closely review all of SDL Hyperion 4.2.1's configuration file statements against yours. You are probably missing one or more important ones, such as, perhaps, (depending on which version of z/OS you are using), a FACILITY DISABLE 006_ASN_LX_REUSE or something similar.

SDL Hyperion 4.x has the ASN and LX Reuse Facility enabled by default, whereas Hercules 3.x has it disabled by default. SDL Hyperion also has the PFPO Facility enabled by default too, whereas, again, Hercules 3.x does not, etc.

Enter the command FACILITY QUERY ALL to display a list of all facilities. Enter help facility for more info regarding the facility command/statement itself. Enter help for a list of supported commands. Enter help help for help with the help command itself.

Or... you might need to specify the cu=3990-6 parameter on all of your dasd statements (again, depending on which version of z/OS you are using). cu=3990-3 is the default I believe. Maybe you need to specify cu=3990-6 instead?

FINALLY... it would be helpful to see your Hercules logfile output too. So many people forget to include that in their problem report. There might well be some error or warning message(s) logged there that points to exactly what your problem is (or at least provide a clue). Have you reviewed your Hercules logfile? Are there any unexpected errors or warnings in it? Please attach it to your reply the same way you attached your configuration file so we can look at it.

dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago

This message is intended for David Trout.


Thank you for your reply. I would like to exchange information with you off the grid, is there a private, more secure e-mail address I can use?

Please advise.

Dennis Fortier

Fish-Git commented 4 years ago



Please let me know whether the information I sent you helped to resolve your issue or not.


dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago


We were away over the weekend, I’ll get to it today and have an answer for you by tomorrow.


dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago


I have made the changes you recommended and scoured the Hyperion Configuration Documentation to insure all the parameters are set correctly. After several step-wise tries, I am still getting the same error message:

15:27:05 HHC00809I Processor CP00: disabled wait state 0002000080000000 0000000000009064

I am also enclosing my Hyperion.conf file and the System Log message file from "power on" to "power off". You will notice the disabled wait state message is the third-to-the-last in the log.

Fish-Git commented 4 years ago



I found this old thread on

Start reading about 9/10 of the way down, near the very end of the thread, starting with the reply from Cliff McNeill, dated Mar 18, 2019; 8:03am.

He mentions what I previously mentioned: the IBM MVS System Codes manual documenting Wait State 064 (which Cliff also mentions in his reply):

Operator response

Do one of the following: ...

  • For table entry code X'009', try restarting the system, specifying CLPA in the reply to accompanying message IEA101A. Table entry code X'009' may occur on a warm or quick start if the previous cold start failed before or during master scheduler initialization.


Is perhaps the answer to your problem Adding a CLPA to your IEASYSxx parmlib member?? *()**

*() (I am not** a z/OS person! I know very little (next to nothing!) about z/OS!)

dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago

Fish: I have reviewed your recommendations and the post from Cliff McNeill. I am not receiving the IEA101A message. I am, however, specifying "Cold Start" in my IPL Parms (0A82CS..) through Hercules. I have also downloaded and browsed the MVS Initialization and Tuning Guide and Reference manuals.

With that said, I am attaching a copy of the IEASYSCS member showing that "CLPA" is specified, and System Log showing the Wait State message.

Any suggestions on where to go from here? Is anyone running z/OS 1.11 under Hyperion? Is there any way I can connect with him/her to discuss configuration settings?


Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

With that said, I am attaching a copy of the IEASYSCS member showing that "CLPA" is specified, and System Log showing the Wait State message.

Hopefully someone with z/OS knowledge will know what all that gobbledygook means because I sure as heck don't!   (Hint: I'm not a z/OS person)

But thanks for posting it?

Additionally, I am receiving the wait state code for module IEAVNPF5 not IEAVNP10, not sure if that makes a difference. I previously searched IEAVNPF5 and did not come up with much relevant information.

For what it's worth I just did a search for "IEAVNPF5" and "80009064" and found this:

Does that make any sense to you?

Any suggestions on where to go from here?

None. :(

As I've been saying, I'm not a z/OS person. :(

Is anyone running z/OS 1.11 under Hyperion? Is there any way I can connect with him/her to discuss configuration settings?

I have no idea. You might want to ask that question on the main list or in the H390-MVS group?

All I do know is that I myself happen have an old z/OS 1.10 system, and it IPLs and runs just fine with the latest SDL Hyperion (and all previous SDL Hyperion versions for that matter).

Now I know that 1.10 isn't the same as 1.11, but then neither is 2.1 or 2.3 or z/VM 6.3 either, and they all IPL and run just fine under Hercules too. So I don't quite understand why z/OS 1.11 wouldn't. \<shrug>

I don't know if you're using CKD/CCKD/32/64 dasd but maybe it wouldn't hurt to check them for damage? Or if you still have the original installation media (dasds), you might try starting over again? (Where did you get your dasds from anyway?) Maybe something you tried in the past went wrong and left some part of the system in a bad state (bad setting?) that's causing your current problem? Or maybe it's not quite configured the way you think it is if you got them from somewhere else?

I'll keep this issue open for another few days but after that I'm afraid I'm going to have to close it. It honestly does not look like a Hercules problem.

Maybe play around with those ASN and LX Reuse settings? Maybe 1.11 was the first z/OS that cared about that setting (facility)? Maybe you need to disable it? And/or PFPO? Or maybe some other facility? As I said for the thousandth time, I'm not a z/OS person! Sorry! :(

Fish-Git commented 4 years ago



I just now noticed!   (Sorry for not looking sooner)

Maybe you shouldn't do a startall before IPLing!!!   (I've never seen anyone do that before!!)

I never do a startall before IPLing! If that's the way you've been trying to IPL your z/OS system, then maybe that's been your problem this whole time!!

Just start Hercules, attach a 3270 as your master console, and do ipl 0A80!!

Maybe your problem this whole time was that you simply weren't IPLing z/OS correctly??

dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago

Fish: I'm afraid going directly to ipl without the startall command didn't make any difference. I have attached the Operator Screen image after the failure and the Hercules log.


Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

Since you stated you do have a z/OS 1.10 system you run, are you willing to share your configuration file?


dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago

I am going to close this problem as unresolved. It appears there is an APAR from IBM addressing this problem but installing the APAR is well beyond my current skill set. If I do find a resolution, I will reopen this ticket and publish my findings.

Thank you for your assistance.

mcisho commented 4 years ago

This is weird!

I dragged my ancient ADCD 1.11 system out of mothballs and it IPL'ed successfully using Hercules 3.13 installed from the Fedora RPM.

I then tried IPL'ing using SDL (commit e02e2ae), both natively and under VM, and in both case the IPL failed as reported by dfortier2346 15 days ago. The IPL fails because of a program check which is caused by a duff address in a table.

I have no idea what the table is used for, and finding where the duff address was set is difficult in the 565,000,000+ instruction that are executed. If I corrected the duff address (when IPL'ing under VM) to the null routine address most of the table entries contain, the IPL was successful.

dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago

mcisho: You are correct, I have successfully run my z/OS system with Hercules 3.13 for several years. The IPL failure occurs only on Hyperion. Fish was kind enough to point me toward an IBM APAR: which, at the very least does not appear to be available at this time. Since everything I need runs on Hercules 3.13, I've already regressed my system back to Hercules and am now running successfully.

I do know that z/Architecture systems are more firmware than hardware and wonder if the APAR is a fix to the firmware rather than the Operating System. If so, that may indicate an adjustment in Hercules/Hyperion may fix the IPL failure. This is purely speculation as I have no first-hand knowledge of either side of the actual issue other than the gobbledygook found in the various manuals.

Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

I then tried IPL'ing using SDL (commit e02e2ae), both natively and under VM, and in both case the IPL failed as reported by dfortier2346 15 days ago. The IPL fails because of a program check which is caused by a duff address in a table.

@mcisho Ian,

Do me a favor and try SDL version 4.1 and let me know whether it works or not.

@dfortier2346 Dennis,

You might want to do the same. Try 4.1.

I don't know whether it will work any better or not, but I'm curious and would like to know.


dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago


I also tried Hyperion SDL Version 4.1 and it worked! Attached are the Hyperion log and the z/OS Log.

What does this mean?


On Sun, Oct 13, 2019 at 5:38 AM Fish-Git wrote:

I then tried IPL'ing using SDL (commit e02e2ae, both natively and under VM, and in both case the IPL failed as reported by dfortier2346 15 days ago. The IPL fails because of a program check which is caused by a duff address in a table.

@mcisho Ian,

Do me a favor and try SDL version 4.1 and let me know whether it works or not.

@dfortier2346 Dennis,

You might want to do the same. Try 4.1.

I don't know whether it will work any better or not, but I'm curious and would like to know.


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-- Dennis Fortier

1 SDSF SYSLOG PRINT SYSLOG DATA SET 101 SYSID SYS1 DATE 10/13/2019 2019.286 LINE 1 PAGE 1 0NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:37.57 INTERNAL 00000290 CONTROL M,UEXIT=N IEAVN701 - INTERNALLY ISSUED K M X 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:58.11 SYSLOG 00000000 IEE042I SYSTEM LOG DATA SET INITIALIZED N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.28 00000290 IEA371I SYS1.IPLPARM ON DEVICE 0A82 SELECTED FOR IPL PARAMETERS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.28 00000290 IEA246I LOAD ID 00 SELECTED N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.28 00000290 IEA246I NUCLST ID 00 SELECTED N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.28 00000290 IEA519I IODF DSN = SYS1.IODF99 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.28 00000290 IEA520I CONFIGURATION ID = OS390 . IODF DEVICE NUMBER = 0A82 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.28 00000290 IEA091I NUCLEUS 1 SELECTED N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.55 00000290 IEA370I MASTER CATALOG SELECTED IS CATALOG.Z111S.MASTER N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.62 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IEASYM00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.64 00080290 IEA247I USING IEASYS01 FOR z/OS 01.11.00 HBB7760 N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.64 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IEASYS00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.65 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IEASYS01 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB M 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.66 00000290 IEA007I STATIC SYSTEM SYMBOL VALUES 012 D 012 00000290 &SYSALVL. = "2" D 012 00000290 &SYSCLONE. = "1A" D 012 00000290 &SYSNAME. = "ADCD" D 012 00000290 &SYSPLEX. = "ADCDPL" D 012 00000290 &SYSR1. = "SBRES1" D 012 00000290 &SYSP1. = "SBPRD1" D 012 00000290 &SYSP2. = "SBPRD2" D 012 00000290 &SYSP3. = "SBPRD3" D 012 00000290 &SYSR2. = "SBRES2" D 012 00000290 &SYSS1. = "SBSYS1" E 012 00000290 &UNIXVER. = "Z111S" M 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.68 00000290 IFB086I LOGREC DATA SET IS SYS1.LOGREC 013 N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.72 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER GRSCNF00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 0040000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.73 00000290 ISG313I SYSTEM IS INITIALIZING IN GRS NONE MODE. RING OR STAR S CONFIGURATION KEYWORDS IN GRSCNF00 ARE IGNORED. M 4040000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.79 00000290 ILR032I PAGE DATA SET HAS BEEN USED BY ANOTHER SYSTEM: 016 D 016 00000290 DATA SET NAME - SYS1.PLPA.PAGE D 016 00000290 VOLUME SERIAL - SBSYS1 D 016 00000290 DEVICE NUMBER - 0A82 D 016 00000290 SYSTEM NAME - ADCD D 016 00000290 CPU IDENTIFIER - 2097-001948 D 016 00000290 LPAR NAME - HERCULES E 016 00000290 DATA SET LAST UPDATED AT 11:27:09 ON 10/12/2019 (GMT) M 4040000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.82 00000290 ILR032I PAGE DATA SET HAS BEEN USED BY ANOTHER SYSTEM: 017 D 017 00000290 DATA SET NAME - SYS1.COMMON.PAGE D 017 00000290 VOLUME SERIAL - SBSYS1 D 017 00000290 DEVICE NUMBER - 0A82 D 017 00000290 SYSTEM NAME - ADCD D 017 00000290 CPU IDENTIFIER - 2097-001948 D 017 00000290 LPAR NAME - HERCULES E 017 00000290 DATA SET LAST UPDATED AT 11:27:09 ON 10/12/2019 (GMT) M 4040000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.97 00000290 ILR032I PAGE DATA SET HAS BEEN USED BY ANOTHER SYSTEM: 018 D 018 00000290 DATA SET NAME - SYS1.LOCAL.PAGE D 018 00000290 VOLUME SERIAL - SBSYS1 D 018 00000290 DEVICE NUMBER - 0A82 D 018 00000290 SYSTEM NAME - ADCD D 018 00000290 CPU IDENTIFIER - 2097-001948 D 018 00000290 LPAR NAME - HERCULES E 018 00000290 DATA SET LAST UPDATED AT 11:27:09 ON 10/12/2019 (GMT) 1 SDSF SYSLOG PRINT SYSLOG DATA SET 101 SYSID SYS1 DATE 10/13/2019 2019.286 LINE 54 PAGE 2 0N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.98 00000290 IEA940I THE FOLLOWING PAGE DATA SETS ARE IN USE: N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.99 00000290 PLPA ........... - SYS1.PLPA.PAGE N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.99 00000290 COMMON ......... - SYS1.COMMON.PAGE N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:44.99 00000290 LOCAL .......... - SYS1.LOCAL.PAGE N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:45.01 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IEASVC00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:45.04 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER PROG01 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:45.11 00000290 CSV410I APF FORMAT IS NOW DYNAMIC N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:45.35 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IEAFIX00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:45.40 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IEALPA00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:45.48 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER DIAG00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:50.21 00000290 IAR013I NO STORAGE IS RECONFIGURABLE N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:54.91 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IEAABD00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:54.92 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IEADMP00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:54.93 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IEADMR00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:55.21 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER CLOCK00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:55.22 00000290 IEA598I TIME ZONE = W.06.00.00 N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:55.52 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER COUPLE00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:55.56 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER CTIXCF00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:55.59 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER CTIXES00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N C040000 ADCD 19286 05:24:55.68 00000290 IXL011I XES HARDWARE SUPPORT IS NOT INSTALLED. REASON: 02 MR4000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:55.71 INTERNAL 00000290 IXC470I SYSTEM ADCD EFFECTIVE VALUES: INTERVAL=165 OPNOTIFY=168 039 DR 039 00000290 DEFAULT USER INTERVAL: 165 DR 039 00000290 DERIVED SPIN INTERVAL: 165 DR 039 00000290 DEFAULT USER OPNOTIFY: + 3 ER 039 00000290 COMPUTED FOR: XCF INITIALIZATION N C040000 ADCD 19286 05:24:55.77 00000290 IXC414I CANNOT JOIN SYSPLEX ADCDPL WHICH IS RUNNING IN MONOPLEX MODE: S CONFIGURATION REQUIREMENT N C000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:55.77 00000290 IXC404I SYSTEM(S) ACTIVE OR IPLING: ADCD N C000000 ADCD 19286 05:24:55.78 00000290 IXC420D REPLY I TO INITIALIZE SYSPLEX ADCDPL, OR R TO REINITIALIZE XCF. S REPLYING I WILL IMPACT OTHER ACTIVE SYSTEMS. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:30.38 00000290 IEE600I REPLY TO 00 IS;I N C040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:30.68 00000290 IXC415I FORCING SYSPLEX CONFIGURATION TO BE MONOPLEX MODE N C040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:30.68 00000290 IXC413I MULTISYSTEM SYSPLEX CONFIGURATION PREVENTED BY SYSTEM COMPONENT N C000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:30.69 00000290 ISG150I GRS=NONE IS NOT SUPPORTED WHEN RUNNING IN A MULTISYSTEM S SYSPLEX. N C000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:30.69 00000290 IXC418I SYSTEM ADCD IS NOW ACTIVE IN SYSPLEX ADCDPL M C000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:31.32 00000290 IXC286I COUPLE DATA SET 048 D 048 00000290 SYS1.ADCDPL.LOGR.CDS01, D 048 00000290 VOLSER SBRES2, HAS BEEN ADDED AS THE PRIMARY E 048 00000290 FOR LOGR ON SYSTEM ADCD M C000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:31.32 00000290 IXC286I COUPLE DATA SET 049 D 049 00000290 SYS1.ADCDPL.LOGR.CDS02, D 049 00000290 VOLSER SBRES2, HAS BEEN ADDED AS THE ALTERNATE E 049 00000290 FOR LOGR ON SYSTEM ADCD M C000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:31.56 00000290 IXC286I COUPLE DATA SET 050 D 050 00000290 SYS1.ADCDPL.OMVS.CDS01, D 050 00000290 VOLSER SBRES2, HAS BEEN ADDED AS THE PRIMARY E 050 00000290 FOR BPXMCDS ON SYSTEM ADCD M C000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:31.56 00000290 IXC286I COUPLE DATA SET 051 D 051 00000290 SYS1.ADCDPL.OMVS.CDS02, D 051 00000290 VOLSER SBRES2, HAS BEEN ADDED AS THE ALTERNATE E 051 00000290 FOR BPXMCDS ON SYSTEM ADCD M C000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:31.68 00000290 IXC286I COUPLE DATA SET 052 1 SDSF SYSLOG PRINT SYSLOG DATA SET 101 SYSID SYS1 DATE 10/13/2019 2019.286 LINE 107 PAGE 3 0D 052 00000290 SYS1.ADCDPL.WLM.CDS01, D 052 00000290 VOLSER SBRES2, HAS BEEN ADDED AS THE PRIMARY E 052 00000290 FOR WLM ON SYSTEM ADCD M C000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:31.68 00000290 IXC286I COUPLE DATA SET 053 D 053 00000290 SYS1.ADCDPL.WLM.CDS02, D 053 00000290 VOLSER SBRES2, HAS BEEN ADDED AS THE ALTERNATE E 053 00000290 FOR WLM ON SYSTEM ADCD N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:31.97 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER CTIGRS00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:32.00 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IFAPRD00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:32.07 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IFAPRD01 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:32.60 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IGDSMS00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:32.64 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER CTISMS00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:32.68 00000290 IGW040I PDSE Connecting to XCF for IPLID N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:32.72 00000290 IGW040I PDSE Connected to XCF for IPLID N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:32.72 00000290 IGW040I PDSE IGWLGEDC Connected N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:32.72 00000290 IGW040I PDSE Connecting to XCF for Signaling N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:32.76 00000290 IGW040I PDSE Connected to XCF for Signaling N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:32.76 00000290 IGW040I Buffer Beyond Close not active for SMSPDSE N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:32.76 00000290 IGW040I PDSE Posting initialization M 8000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:32.77 00000290 IGW043I PDSE MONITOR IS ACTIVE 066 D 066 00000290 ++ INVOCATION INTERVAL:60 SECONDS E 066 00000290 ++ SAMPLE DURATION:15 SECONDS N 8000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:32.83 00000290 IGW061I SMSPDSE INITIALIZATION COMPLETE. N 8000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:32.83 00000290 IGW035I SMSPDSE1 IS NOT ENABLED, SMS=00 N 4040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:32.84 00000290 IGW410I SMSVSAM SERVER NOT ACTIVE. RLSINIT(NO) WAS SPECIFIED. N 4040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:34.46 00000290 CNZ9013I CONSOLE SERVICES RUNNING IN SHARED MODE. N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:34.60 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER CONSOL00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:34.66 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER CTIOPS00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:34.77 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER CNGRP00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB NR0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:34.78 INTERNAL 00000290 IEE712I SET CNGRP PROCESSING COMPLETE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:34.83 00000290 IEA630I OPERATOR HWCI NOW ACTIVE, SYSTEM=ADCD , LU=ADCD M 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:34.83 00000290 IEA549I SYSTEM CONSOLE FUNCTIONS AVAILABLE 076 E 076 00000290 SYSTEM CONSOLE NAME ASSIGNED HWCI N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:34.85 00000290 IEA630I OPERATOR SYSLG1A NOW ACTIVE, SYSTEM=ADCD , LU=SYSLG1A N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:34.85 00000290 IEA630I OPERATOR DICNS1A NOW ACTIVE, SYSTEM=ADCD , LU=DICNS1A N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:35.37 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IEAAPP00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N FFFFFFF ADCD 19286 05:25:35.37 00000290 IEA958I EXCP APPENDAGE NAME TABLE NOT BUILT N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:36.08 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IEACMD00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:36.09 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER COMMND00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:36.12 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER MSTJCL00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:36.22 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER SCHED00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:36.43 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER CTIIEFAL FOUND IN SYS1.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:36.47 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER VATLST00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:36.48 00000290 IEA168I VATLST00: VATLST DEFAULT USE ATTRIBUTE OF PRIVATE USED. N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:36.48 00000290 IEA168I VATLST00: SYSTEM DEFAULT USE ATTRIBUTE OF PRIVATE USED. N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:36.71 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER BPXPRMCS FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB NR0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:37.10 INTERNAL 00000290 CEE3739I LANGUAGE ENVIRONMENT INITIALIZATION COMPLETE N 4040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:37.11 00000290 CUN2046I AN EMPTY UNICODE ENVIRONMENT HAS BEEN ESTABLISHED N 4040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:37.11 00000290 CUN2005I CONVERSION ENVIRONMENT SUCCESSFULLY INITIALIZED N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:37.90 00000090 CNZ2000I MESSAGE CACHE AVAILABLE. N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.02 00000090 IEF773I TIOT SIZE = 0032K, MAXIMUM SINGLE UNIT DD ENTRIES = 00001635 N 0200000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.19 00000090 IEFJ200I MASTER SCHEDULER JCL FOR THIS IPL TAKEN FROM MEMBER MSTJCL00 OF S PARMLIB 1 SDSF SYSLOG PRINT SYSLOG DATA SET 101 SYSID SYS1 DATE 10/13/2019 2019.286 LINE 160 PAGE 4 0N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.23 00000290 IEF196I 1 //MSTJCL00 JOB MSGLEVEL=(1,1),TIME=1440 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.23 00000290 IEF196I 2 // EXEC PGM=IEEMB860,DPRTY=(15,15) N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.24 00000290 IEF196I 3 //STCINRDR DD SYSOUT=(A,INTRDR) N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.24 00000290 IEF196I 4 //TSOINRDR DD SYSOUT=(A,INTRDR) N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.24 00000290 IEF196I 5 //IEFPDSI DD DSN=ADCD.Z111S.PROCLIB,DISP=SHR N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.24 00000290 IEF196I 6 // DD DSN=SYS1.PROCLIB,DISP=SHR N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.24 00000290 IEF196I 7 //SYSUADS DD DSN=SYS1.UADS,DISP=SHR N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.25 00000290 IEF196I 8 //SYSLBC DD DSN=SYS1.BRODCAST,DISP=SHR N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.25 00000290 IEF196I 9 //IEFPARM DD DISP=SHR,UNIT=SYSALLDA,VOL=SER=SBSYS1, N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.25 00000290 IEF196I // DSN=USER.PARMLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.25 00000290 IEF196I 10 // DD DISP=SHR,UNIT=SYSALLDA,VOL=SER=SBRES1, N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.25 00000290 IEF196I // DSN=ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.25 00000290 IEF196I 11 // DD DISP=SHR,UNIT=SYSALLDA,VOL=SER=SBRES1, N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.25 00000290 IEF196I // DSN=SYS1.PARMLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.26 00000290 IEF196I //* LOADxx parmlibs put in MSTRJCL concatenation N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.29 00000090 IEF403I MSTJCL00 - STARTED - TIME=05.25.38 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.48 00000090 IEC377I ENHANCED CATALOG SHARING: NOT CONNECTED: 228-003(000C-FFFF),SI N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.58 00000290 IEF196I IEF236I ALLOC. FOR MSTJCL00 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.58 00000290 IEF196I IEF237I MSTR ALLOCATED TO STCINRDR N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.59 00000290 IEF196I IEF237I MSTR ALLOCATED TO TSOINRDR N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.59 00000290 IEF196I IEF237I 0A80 ALLOCATED TO IEFPDSI N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.59 00000290 IEF196I IEF237I 0A80 ALLOCATED TO N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.59 00000290 IEF196I IEF237I 0A80 ALLOCATED TO SYSUADS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.60 00000290 IEF196I IEF237I 0A82 ALLOCATED TO SYSLBC N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.60 00000290 IEF196I IEF237I 0A82 ALLOCATED TO IEFPARM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.60 00000290 IEF196I IEF237I 0A80 ALLOCATED TO N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.60 00000290 IEF196I IEF237I 0A80 ALLOCATED TO N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.74 00000290 IEF196I IEF237I 0A82 ALLOCATED TO STGINDEX M 4040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:38.83 00000090 ILR026I VIO JOURNALING ACTIVE, 125 E 125 00000090 DATA SET NAME IS SYS1.STGINDEX NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:39.77 INTERNAL 00000290 SET PFK=00, INTERNALLY ISSUED BY IEAVC701 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:40.25 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER PFKTAB00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:40.29 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IKJTSO00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:40.38 INTERNAL 00000290 K N,PFK=PFKTAB1,L=L700 INTERNALLY ISSUED BY IEAVC701 NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:40.38 INTERNAL 00000290 T MPF=(00) SC N FFFFFFF ADCD 19286 05:25:40.47 00000090 IKJ712I DEFAULT VALUES WERE USED FOR CONSOLE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:40.48 00000290 IEF196I IKJ712I DEFAULT VALUES WERE USED FOR CONSOLE N FFFFFFF ADCD 19286 05:25:40.49 00000090 IKJ712I DEFAULT VALUES WERE USED FOR HELP N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:40.49 00000290 IEF196I IKJ712I DEFAULT VALUES WERE USED FOR HELP N FFFFFFF ADCD 19286 05:25:40.51 00000090 IKJ712I DEFAULT VALUES WERE USED FOR TEST N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:40.51 00000290 IEF196I IKJ712I DEFAULT VALUES WERE USED FOR TEST N FFFFFFF ADCD 19286 05:25:40.52 00000090 IKJ712I DEFAULT VALUES WERE USED FOR PLATCMD N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:40.53 00000290 IEF196I IKJ712I DEFAULT VALUES WERE USED FOR PLATCMD N FFFFFFF ADCD 19286 05:25:40.54 00000090 IKJ712I DEFAULT VALUES WERE USED FOR PLATPGM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:40.55 00000290 IEF196I IKJ712I DEFAULT VALUES WERE USED FOR PLATPGM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:40.54 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER MPFLST00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N FFFFFFF ADCD 19286 05:25:40.55 00000090 IKJ712I DEFAULT VALUES WERE USED FOR LOGON N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:40.56 00000290 IEF196I IKJ712I DEFAULT VALUES WERE USED FOR LOGON N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:40.73 00000290 IEF196I IEF285I SYS1.BRODCAST KEPT N 4040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:40.72 00000090 IEFE002I ENF SYSPLEX-WIDE NOTIFICATION NOT AVAILABLE, REASON: XCF LOCAL S OR MONOPLEX MODE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:40.73 00000290 IEF196I IEF285I VOL SER NOS= SBSYS1. 1 SDSF SYSLOG PRINT SYSLOG DATA SET 101 SYSID SYS1 DATE 10/13/2019 2019.286 LINE 213 PAGE 5 0NR0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.01 INTERNAL 00000090 IEE712I SET MPF PROCESSING COMPLETE NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.33 INTERNAL 00000290 MN DSNAME NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.34 INTERNAL 00000290 CHNGDUMP SET,SDUMP=(LSQA,TRT,XESDATA),ADD NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.36 INTERNAL 00000290 SET SLIP=00 NR0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.37 INTERNAL 00000090 IEE712I CHNGDUMP PROCESSING COMPLETE NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.43 INTERNAL 00000290 SET DAE=00 NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.48 INTERNAL 00000290 START LLA,SUB=MSTR N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.49 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER SMFPRM00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.50 INTERNAL 00000290 START BLSJPRMI,SUB=MSTR NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.51 INTERNAL 00000290 S JES2,PARM='WARM,NOREQ' NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.52 INTERNAL 00000290 S VLF,SUB=MSTR NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.53 INTERNAL 00000290 S VTAM NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.54 INTERNAL 00000290 S VTAMAPPL NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.56 INTERNAL 00000290 S DLF,SUB=MSTR NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.57 INTERNAL 00000290 DD ADD,VOL=SBSYS1 NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.58 INTERNAL 00000290 DD NAME=SYS1.&SYSNAME..DMP&SEQ NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.58 INTERNAL 00000290 DD ALLOC=ACTIVE N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:41.66 00000090 IEE351I SMF SYS1.MAN RECORDING NOT BEING USED N 8000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:42.39 00000090 ICH508I ACTIVE RACF EXITS: NONE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:42.78 00000281 IEF196I IEF237I 0A82 ALLOCATED TO SYS00001 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:42.92 00000281 IEF196I IEF237I 0A80 ALLOCATED TO SYS00002 N 8000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:43.09 00000090 IRR803I VLF IS NOT ACTIVE. POSSIBLE RACF PERFORMANCE IMPACT. N 4080000 ADCD 19286 05:25:43.91 00000090 ICH581I DYNAMIC CLASS DESCRIPTOR TABLE PROCESSED N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:44.81 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IEFSSN00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB M 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:44.97 00000090 IGD031I SMS PARAMETERS 171 D 171 00000090 ACDS = SYS1.ACDS D 171 00000090 COMMDS = SYS1.COMMDS D 171 00000090 INTERVAL = 15 DINTERVAL = 150 D 171 00000090 CACHETIME = 3600 SMF_TIME = YES D 171 00000090 CF-TIME = 3600 PDSE_RESTARTABLE_AS = NO D 171 00000090 PDSE_BMFTIME = 3600 PDSE1_BMFTIME = 3600 D 171 00000090 PDSE_LRUTIME = 60 PDSE1_LRUTIME = 60 D 171 00000090 PDSE_LRUCYCLES = 15 PDSE1_LRUCYCLES = 15 D 171 00000090 LOCAL_DEADLOCK = 15 GLOBAL_DEADLOCK = 4 D 171 00000090 REVERIFY = NO ACSDEFAULTS = NO D 171 00000090 USE_RESOWNER = YES DSNTYPE = PDS D 171 00000090 GDS_RECLAIM = YES PDSESHARING = NORMAL D 171 00000090 OVRD_EXPDT = NO RLS_MAX_POOL_SIZE = 100MB D 171 00000090 SYSTEMS = 8 COMPRESS = GENERIC D 171 00000090 PDSE_HSP_SIZE = 0MB PDSE1_HSP_SIZE = 0MB D 171 00000090 RLSINIT = NO RLSTMOUT = 0 D 171 00000090 CICSVR_INIT = NO CICSVR_DSNAME_PREFIX = DWW. D 171 00000090 CICSVR_RCDS_PREFIX = DWW D 171 00000090 CICSVR_GRPNAME_SUFFIX = PROD D 171 00000090 CICSVR_ZZVALUE_PARM = D 171 00000090 CICSVR_UNDOLOG_CONTROL = D 171 00000090 CICSVR_UNDOLOG_PREFIX = DWW D 171 00000090 CICSVR_BACKOUT_CONTROL = D 171 00000090 CICSVR_GENERAL_CONTROL = D 171 00000090 Rls_MaxCfFeatureLevel = Z D 171 00000090 RlsAboveTheBarMaxPoolSize = 0 D 171 00000090 RlsFixedPoolSize = 0 D 171 00000090 DSSTIMEOUT = 0 FAST_VOLSEL = OFF 1 SDSF SYSLOG PRINT SYSLOG DATA SET 101 SYSID SYS1 DATE 10/13/2019 2019.286 LINE 266 PAGE 6 0D 171 00000090 PDSE_MONITOR = (YES,0,0) D 171 00000090 PDSE1_MONITOR = (YES,0,0) D 171 00000090 PDSE_DIRECTORY_STORAGE = 2000M D 171 00000090 PDSE1_DIRECTORY_STORAGE = 2000M D 171 00000090 PDSE_BUFFER_BEYOND_CLOSE = NO D 171 00000090 PDSE1_BUFFER_BEYOND_CLOSE = NO D 171 00000090 BLOCKTOKENSIZE = NOREQUIRE D 171 00000090 USEEAV = NO BREAKPOINTVALUE = 10 D 171 00000090 OAMPROC = OAMTASK = E 171 00000090 DB2SSID = M 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:45.00 00000090 IGD031I SMS TRACE PARAMETERS 172 D 172 00000090 TRACE = ON SIZE = 128K TYPE = ALL D 172 00000090 JOBNAME = ASID = D 172 00000090 TRACING EVENTS: D 172 00000090 MODULE = ON SMSSJF = ON SMSSSI = ON ACSINT = ON D 172 00000090 OPCMD = ON CONFC = ON CDSC = ON CONFS = ON D 172 00000090 MSG = ON ERR = ON CONFR = ON CONFA = ON D 172 00000090 ACSPRO = ON IDAX = ON DISP = ON CATG = ON D 172 00000090 VOLREF = ON SCHEDP = ON SCHEDS = ON VTOCL = ON D 172 00000090 VTOCD = ON VTOCR = ON VTOCC = ON VTOCA = ON D 172 00000090 RCD = ON DCF = ON DPN = ON TVR = ON D 172 00000090 DSTACK = ON UAFF = ON DEBUG = ON D 172 00000090 VOLSELMSG = (OFF,0) TYPE = ALL JOBNAME = D 172 00000090 ASID = STEPNAME = E 172 00000090 DSNAME = N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:45.00 00000090 ICH520I z/OS SECURITY SERVER (RACF HRF7760) IS ACTIVE. M 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:45.07 00000090 ICH531I RACF DATA SET ALLOCATION/DEALLOCATION INTERFACE IS ACTIVE. 174 NC0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:45.75 INTERNAL 00000290 START RACF,SUB=MSTR N 4040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:45.77 00000090 IEE389I MVS COMMAND PROCESSING AVAILABLE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:45.78 00000290 ISG359I GRS EXIT CACHE WAS CREATED SUCCESSFULLY N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.15 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER IEASLP00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.19 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X013 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.20 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X028 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.20 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X052 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.21 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X058 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.22 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X066 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.22 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X070 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.23 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X073 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.23 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X0DX SET N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.24 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER ADYSET00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.24 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X0E7 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.25 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X0F3 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.26 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X13E SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.27 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X1C5 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.27 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X222 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.28 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X322 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.29 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X33E SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.29 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=S3C4 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.30 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X422 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.31 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X47B SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.31 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X622 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.32 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X71A SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.32 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X804 SET 1 SDSF SYSLOG PRINT SYSLOG DATA SET 101 SYSID SYS1 DATE 10/13/2019 2019.286 LINE 319 PAGE 7 0NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.32 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X806 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.33 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X80A SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.33 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X81A SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.33 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X91A SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.34 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=X9FB SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.34 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=XB37 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.35 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=XC1A SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.36 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=XD1A SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.36 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=XD37 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.36 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=XE37 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.37 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=XEC6 SET NR0040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.40 INTERNAL 00000281 IEE727I SLIP TRAP ID=XXC6 SET M 0080000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.40 00000090 IRR812I PROFILE CEA.* (G) IN THE STARTED CLASS WAS USED 213 E 213 00000090 TO START CEA WITH JOBNAME CEA. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.65 00000281 IEF196I 1 //IEESYSAS JOB MSGLEVEL=1 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.66 00000281 IEF196I 1 //IEESYSAS JOB TIME=1440, N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.66 00000281 IEF196I 2 //IOSAS EXEC IEESYSAS,PROG=IOSVROUT N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.66 00000281 IEF196I 1 //IEESYSAS JOB TIME=1440, N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.66 00000281 IEF196I // MSGLEVEL=1 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.66 00000281 IEF196I STMT NO. MESSAGE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.66 00000281 IEF196I 1 //IEESYSAS JOB TIME=NOLIMIT, N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.67 00000281 IEF196I 2 //ANTMAIN EXEC IEESYSAS,PROG=ANTMAIN N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.67 00000281 IEF196I // MSGLEVEL=1 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.67 00000281 IEF196I 2 IEFC001I PROCEDURE IEESYSAS WAS EXPANDED USING SYSTEM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.67 00000281 IEF196I // MSGLEVEL=1 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.67 00000281 IEF196I 2 //WLM EXEC IEESYSAS,PROG=IWMINJST N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.67 00000281 IEF196I LIBRARY SYS1.PROCLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.67 00000281 IEF196I STMT NO. MESSAGE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.68 00000281 IEF196I STMT NO. MESSAGE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.68 00000281 IEF196I 3 XXIEESYSAS PROC PROG=IEFBR14 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.68 00000281 IEF196I 2 IEFC001I PROCEDURE IEESYSAS WAS EXPANDED USING SYSTEM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.68 00000281 IEF196I 2 IEFC001I PROCEDURE IEESYSAS WAS EXPANDED USING SYSTEM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.68 00000281 IEF196I LIBRARY SYS1.PROCLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.68 00000281 IEF196I LIBRARY SYS1.PROCLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.68 00000281 IEF196I 3 XXIEESYSAS PROC PROG=IEFBR14 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.68 00000281 IEF196I 3 XXIEESYSAS PROC PROG=IEFBR14 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.68 00000281 IEF196I 2 //CEA EXEC IEESYSAS,PROG=CEAINIT N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.68 00000281 IEF196I 00050000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.69 00000281 IEF196I STMT NO. MESSAGE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.69 00000281 IEF196I 2 IEFC001I PROCEDURE IEESYSAS WAS EXPANDED USING SYSTEM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.69 00000281 IEF196I 00050000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.69 00000281 IEF196I 00050000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.69 00000281 IEF196I 4 XXIEFPROC EXEC PGM=&PROG N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.69 00000281 IEF196I 4 XXIEFPROC EXEC PGM=&PROG N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.69 00000281 IEF196I 4 XXIEFPROC EXEC PGM=&PROG N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.69 00000281 IEF196I 00100000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.69 00000281 IEF196I LIBRARY SYS1.PROCLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.69 00000281 IEF196I 00100000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.70 00000281 IEF196I 3 XXIEESYSAS PROC PROG=IEFBR14 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.69 00000281 IEF196I 00100000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.70 00000281 IEF196I XX THE IEESYSAS PROCEDURE IS SPECIFIED IN THE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.70 00000281 IEF196I XX THE IEESYSAS PROCEDURE IS SPECIFIED IN THE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.70 00000281 IEF196I 00050000 1 SDSF SYSLOG PRINT SYSLOG DATA SET 101 SYSID SYS1 DATE 10/13/2019 2019.286 LINE 372 PAGE 8 0N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.70 00000281 IEF196I 00150000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.70 00000281 IEF196I 4 XXIEFPROC EXEC PGM=&PROG N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.71 00000281 IEF196I XX THE IEESYSAS PROCEDURE IS SPECIFIED IN THE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.70 00000281 IEF196I XX PARAMETER LIST TO IEEMB881 BY MVS COMPONENTS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.70 00000281 IEF196I 00150000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.71 00000281 IEF196I 00100000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.71 00000281 IEF196I 00150000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.71 00000281 IEF196I XX PARAMETER LIST TO IEEMB881 BY MVS COMPONENTS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.71 00000281 IEF196I 00200000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.71 00000281 IEF196I XX PARAMETER LIST TO IEEMB881 BY MVS COMPONENTS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.71 00000281 IEF196I 00200000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.71 00000281 IEF196I XX STARTING FULL FUNCTION SYSTEM ADDRESS SPACES. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.72 00000281 IEF196I XX THE IEESYSAS PROCEDURE IS SPECIFIED IN THE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.72 00000281 IEF196I 00200000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.72 00000281 IEF196I XX STARTING FULL FUNCTION SYSTEM ADDRESS SPACES. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.72 00000281 IEF196I XX STARTING FULL FUNCTION SYSTEM ADDRESS SPACES. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.72 00000281 IEF196I 00150000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.73 00000281 IEF196I 00250000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.73 00000281 IEF196I 00250000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.73 00000281 IEF196I XX PARAMETER LIST TO IEEMB881 BY MVS COMPONENTS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.73 00000281 IEF196I 1 //IEESYSAS JOB TIME=1440, N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.73 00000281 IEF196I IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - PGM=IWMINJST N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.73 00000281 IEF196I 00250000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.73 00000281 IEF196I IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - PGM=IOSVROUT N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.73 00000281 IEF196I 00200000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.73 00000281 IEF196I // MSGLEVEL=1 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.74 00000281 IEF196I IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - PGM=ANTMAIN N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.74 00000281 IEF196I 1 //IEESYSAS JOB TIME=1440, N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.74 00000281 IEF196I XX* STARTING FULL FUNCTION SYSTEM ADDRESS SPACES. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.74 00000281 IEF196I 1 //DUMPSRV JOB MSGLEVEL=1 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.74 00000281 IEF196I // MSGLEVEL=1 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.74 00000281 IEF196I 1 //OMVS JOB MSGLEVEL=1 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.74 00000281 IEF196I 2 //STARTING EXEC DUMPSRV N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.75 00000281 IEF196I 1 //IEESYSAS JOB MSGLEVEL=1 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.75 00000281 IEF196I 2 //DEVMAN EXEC IEESYSAS,PROG=DMOVS001 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.75 00000281 IEF196I 2 //JESXCF EXEC IEESYSAS,PROG=IXZIX00 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.75 00000281 IEF196I 1 //IEESYSAS JOB MSGLEVEL=1 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.75 00000281 IEF196I 00250000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.75 00000281 IEF196I STMT NO. MESSAGE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.76 00000281 IEF196I 2 //SMF EXEC IEESYSAS,PROG=IFASMF N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.76 00000281 IEF196I 2 //STARTING EXEC OMVS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.76 00000281 IEF196I STMT NO. MESSAGE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.76 00000281 IEF196I 2 IEFC001I PROCEDURE DUMPSRV WAS EXPANDED USING SYSTEM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.77 00000281 IEF196I N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.77 00000281 IEF196I 2 IEFC001I PROCEDURE IEESYSAS WAS EXPANDED USING SYSTEM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.76 00000281 IEF196I IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - PGM=CEAINIT N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.76 00000281 IEF196I 2 //IXGLOGR EXEC IEESYSAS,PROG=IXGBLF01 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.77 00000281 IEF196I LIBRARY SYS1.PROCLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.77 00000281 IEF196I STMT NO. MESSAGE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.77 00000281 IEF196I LIBRARY SYS1.PROCLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.77 00000281 IEF196I XX/ N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.78 00000281 IEF196I 3 XXDUMPSRV EXEC PGM=IEAVTDSV N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.77 00000281 IEF196I STMT NO. MESSAGE 1 SDSF SYSLOG PRINT SYSLOG DATA SET 101 SYSID SYS1 DATE 10/13/2019 2019.286 LINE 425 PAGE 9 0N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.78 00000281 IEF196I 2 IEFC001I PROCEDURE IEESYSAS WAS EXPANDED USING SYSTEM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.78 00000281 IEF196I 3 XXIEESYSAS PROC PROG=IEFBR14 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.78 00000281 IEF196I 1 //IEESYSAS JOB MSGLEVEL=1 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.78 00000281 IEF196I 1 //IEESYSAS JOB MSGLEVEL=1 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.79 00000281 IEF196I LIBRARY SYS1.PROCLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.79 00000281 IEF196I 00050000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.78 00000281 IEF196I 00050000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.79 00000281 IEF196I 2 //XCFAS EXEC IEESYSAS,PROG=IXCINJST N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.78 00000281 IEF196I STMT NO. MESSAGE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.79 00000281 IEF196I 3 XXIEESYSAS PROC PROG=IEFBR14 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.79 00000281 IEF196I 00050000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.79 00000281 IEF196I 00050000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.80 00000281 IEF196I XX N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.80 00000281 IEF196I STMT NO. MESSAGE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.80 00000281 IEF196I 4 XXIEFPROC EXEC PGM=&PROG N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.79 00000281 IEF196I 2 //HWIBCPII EXEC IEESYSAS,PROG=HWIAMIN2 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.79 00000281 IEF196I 2 IEFC001I PROCEDURE IEESYSAS WAS EXPANDED USING SYSTEM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.78 00000281 IEF196I 2 IEFC001I PROCEDURE IEESYSAS WAS EXPANDED USING SYSTEM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.80 00000281 IEF196I 4 XXIEFPROC EXEC PGM=&PROG N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.80 00000281 IEF196I XX THE DUMPSRV PROCEDURE IS FOR INTERNAL SYSTEM USE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.81 00000281 IEF196I 00100000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.81 00000281 IEF196I STMT NO. MESSAGE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.80 00000281 IEF196I / 00100000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.80 00000281 IEF196I 2 IEFC001I PROCEDURE IEESYSAS WAS EXPANDED USING SYSTEM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.81 00000281 IEF196I XX $MAC(OMVS) COMP(SCPX1) PROD(BPX): N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.81 00000281 IEF196I 00100000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.82 00000281 IEF196I ONLY. 00100000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.81 00000281 IEF196I LIBRARY SYS1.PROCLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.81 00000281 IEF196I 2 IEFC001I PROCEDURE IEESYSAS WAS EXPANDED USING SYSTEM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.82 00000281 IEF196I XX THE IEESYSAS PROCEDURE IS SPECIFIED IN THE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.83 00000281 IEF196I 3 XXIEESYSAS PROC PROG=IEFBR14 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.82 00000281 IEF196I / 00150000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.82 00000281 IEF196I LIBRARY SYS1.PROCLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.82 00000281 IEF196I XX THE IEESYSAS PROCEDURE IS SPECIFIED IN THE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.83 00000281 IEF196I LIBRARY SYS1.PROCLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.83 00000281 IEF196I 00150000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.84 00000281 IEF196I XX N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.84 00000281 IEF196I 00050000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.84 00000281 IEF196I 00150000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.84 00000281 IEF196I LIBRARY SYS1.PROCLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.84 00000281 IEF196I 3 XXIEESYSAS PROC PROG=IEFBR14 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.83 00000281 IEF196I XX DO NOT ATTEMPT TO START THE DUMPSRV ADDRESS SPACE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.84 00000281 IEF196I 3 XXIEESYSAS PROC PROG=IEFBR14 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.85 00000281 IEF196I 3 XXIEESYSAS PROC PROG=IEFBR14 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.85 00000281 IEF196I / 00200000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.85 00000281 IEF196I 00050000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.85 00000281 IEF196I XX PARAMETER LIST TO IEEMB881 BY MVS COMPONENTS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.85 00000281 IEF196I BY 00150000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.85 00000281 IEF196I 4 XXIEFPROC EXEC PGM=&PROG N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.85 00000281 IEF196I 00050000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.85 00000281 IEF196I 00050000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.85 00000281 IEF196I XX PARAMETER LIST TO IEEMB881 BY MVS COMPONENTS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.86 00000281 IEF196I 4 XXIEFPROC EXEC PGM=&PROG 1 SDSF SYSLOG PRINT SYSLOG DATA SET 101 SYSID SYS1 DATE 10/13/2019 2019.286 LINE 478 PAGE 10 0N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.86 00000281 IEF196I XX OPENMVS STARTUP PROC N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.86 00000281 IEF196I 00100000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.86 00000281 IEF196I 00200000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.86 00000281 IEF403I IEESYSAS - STARTED - TIME=05.25.46 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.86 00000281 IEF196I 00100000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.86 00000281 IEF196I 00200000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.86 00000281 IEF196I XX ISSUING THE S DUMPSRV COMMAND FROM AN OPERATOR N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.87 00000281 IEF196I XX THE IEESYSAS PROCEDURE IS SPECIFIED IN THE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.87 00000281 IEF196I XX STARTING FULL FUNCTION SYSTEM ADDRESS SPACES. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.86 00000281 IEF196I 4 XXIEFPROC EXEC PGM=&PROG N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.86 00000281 IEF403I IEESYSAS - STARTED - TIME=05.25.46 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.86 00000281 IEF403I IEESYSAS - STARTED - TIME=05.25.46 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.86 00000281 IEF403I IEESYSAS - STARTED - TIME=05.25.46 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.87 00000281 IEF196I 00250000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.87 00000281 IEF196I CONSOLE. 00200000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.88 00000281 IEF196I 4 XXIEFPROC EXEC PGM=&PROG N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.87 00000281 IEF196I XX STARTING FULL FUNCTION SYSTEM ADDRESS SPACES. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.86 00000281 IEF196I / 00250000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.88 00000281 IEF196I IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - PGM=DMOVS001 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.87 00000281 IEF196I 00150000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.89 00000281 IEF196I 00100000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.88 00000281 IEF196I XX THE INSTALLATION MAY OPTIONALLY SPECIFY A STEPLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.89 00000281 IEF196I XX PARAMETER LIST TO IEEMB881 BY MVS COMPONENTS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.88 00000281 IEF196I 00100000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.89 00000281 IEF196I XX THE IEESYSAS PROCEDURE IS SPECIFIED IN THE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.89 00000281 IEF196I XX THE IEESYSAS PROCEDURE IS SPECIFIED IN THE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.89 00000281 IEF196I WHICH 00250000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.89 00000281 IEF196I 00200000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.90 00000281 IEF196I XX THE IEESYSAS PROCEDURE IS SPECIFIED IN THE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.90 00000281 IEF196I XX CONTAINS THEIR POST DUMP EXITS. THIS LIBRARY N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.90 00000281 IEF196I XX N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.90 00000281 IEF196I XX STARTING FULL FUNCTION SYSTEM ADDRESS SPACES. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.90 00000281 IEF196I 00150000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.89 00000281 IEF196I 00250000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.90 00000281 IEF196I 00150000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.90 00000281 IEF196I MUST BE APF 00300000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.91 00000281 IEF196I 00250000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.91 00000281 IEF196I IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - PGM=IFASMF N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.91 00000281 IEF196I XX PARAMETER LIST TO IEEMB881 BY MVS COMPONENTS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.91 00000281 IEF196I 00150000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.91 00000281 IEF196I / 00300000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.92 00000281 IEF196I IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - PGM=IXZIX00 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.91 00000281 IEF196I XX PARAMETER LIST TO IEEMB881 BY MVS COMPONENTS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.91 00000281 IEF196I XX AUTHORIZED. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.92 00000281 IEF196I 00200000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.92 00000281 IEF196I XX PARAMETER LIST TO IEEMB881 BY MVS COMPONENTS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.92 00000281 IEF196I 00200000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.92 00000281 IEF196I XX THE OPENMVS KERNEL ADDRESS SPACE IS STARTED AS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.93 00000281 IEF196I XX STARTING FULL FUNCTION SYSTEM ADDRESS SPACES. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.93 00000281 IEF196I 00200000 NR4040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.93 INTERNAL 00000090 IWM049I STRUCTURE(SYSZWLM_WORKUNIT), CONNECT FAILED, RC = 0C RSN = SR FFFFFFFF N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.92 00000281 IEF196I 00350000 1 SDSF SYSLOG PRINT SYSLOG DATA SET 101 SYSID SYS1 DATE 10/13/2019 2019.286 LINE 531 PAGE 11 0N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.93 00000281 IEF196I XX STARTING FULL FUNCTION SYSTEM ADDRESS SPACES. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.94 00000281 IEF196I XX STARTING FULL FUNCTION SYSTEM ADDRESS SPACES. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.93 00000281 IEF196I PART / 00350000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.94 00000281 IEF196I 00250000 N 4000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.93 00000090 IWM041I WORKLOAD MANAGEMENT ADDRESS SPACE MODIFY COMMAND AVAILABLE NR4040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.94 INTERNAL 00000090 IWM055I WLM LPAR CLUSTER STRUCTURE NOT AVAILABLE, SYSTEM IN MONOPLEX SR MODE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.95 00000281 IEF196I XX OF SYSTEM INITIALIZATION. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.95 00000281 IEF196I 00250000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.94 00000281 IEF196I 00250000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.95 00000281 IEF196I / 00400000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.95 00000281 IEF196I IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - PGM=IXGBLF01 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.96 00000281 IEF196I XX N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.96 00000281 IEF196I 00375000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.96 00000281 IEF196I XX N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.96 00000281 IEF196I IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - PGM=HWIAMIN2 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.97 00000281 IEF196I IEFC653I SUBSTITUTION JCL - PGM=IXCINJST N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.97 00000281 IEF196I XX SINCE THE DUMPSRV ADDRESS SPACE IS STARTED BY THE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.97 00000281 IEF196I MASTER 00425000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.97 00000281 IEF403I IEESYSAS - STARTED - TIME=05.25.46 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.98 00000281 IEF196I XX SUBSYSTEM, NO SYSIN OR SYSOUT DD STATEMENTS ARE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.98 00000281 IEF196I / 00450000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.99 00000281 IEF196I ALLOWED. 00475000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:46.99 00000281 IEF196I XX CHANGE-ACTIVITY: N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.00 00000281 IEF196I 4 XXSYSTSPRT DD DUMMY N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.00 00000281 IEF196I 00525000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.00 00000281 IEF196I / 00500000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.01 00000281 IEF196I 5 XXSYSTSIN DD DUMMY N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.01 00000281 IEF196I XX N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.01 00000281 IEF196I 00575000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.02 00000281 IEF196I / 00550000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.02 00000281 IEF196I XX $00=OW06506 HOM1130 940912 PDJI: FREE IEFPARM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.03 00000281 IEF403I IEESYSAS - STARTED - TIME=05.25.47 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.03 00000281 IEF196I / 00600000 N 4040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.03 00000090 IWM048E WLM RUNNING IN GOAL MODE WITH THE DEFAULT POLICY N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.03 00000281 IEF196I XX $D0=DRGA112 HOM1150 950918 PDI6: PERMANENT N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.04 00000281 IEF196I KERNEL / 00650000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.04 00000281 IEF196I XX $P0=PUX0571 HBB6605 970925 PDI6: REMOVE S OMVS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.04 00000281 IEF196I CMT / 00700000 N 4040000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.04 00000090 DMO0010I DEVICE MANAGER INITIALIZATION STARTED N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.04 00000281 IEF196I XX $D1=DWKA335 HBB6608 980810 PDJC: A335.00 LIMITS N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.05 00000281 IEF196I / 00750000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.05 00000281 IEF196I N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.05 00000281 IEF196I XX/ N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.05 00000281 IEF196I 00800000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.06 00000281 IEF196I STMT NO. MESSAGE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.06 00000281 IEF196I 2 IEFC001I PROCEDURE OMVS WAS EXPANDED USING SYSTEM N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.06 00000281 IEF403I IEESYSAS - STARTED - TIME=05.25.47 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.06 00000281 IEF196I LIBRARY SYS1.PROCLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.06 00000281 IEF196I 3 XXOMVS PROC N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.07 00000281 IEF196I 00850000 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.07 00000281 IEF196I 4 XXOMVS EXEC PGM=BPXINIT,REGION=0K,TIME=NOLIMIT N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.07 00000281 IEF196I 00900000 1 SDSF SYSLOG PRINT SYSLOG DATA SET 101 SYSID SYS1 DATE 10/13/2019 2019.286 LINE 584 PAGE 12 0N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.15 00000281 IEF403I IEESYSAS - STARTED - TIME=05.25.47 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.15 00000281 IEF403I IEESYSAS - STARTED - TIME=05.25.47 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.15 00000281 IEF403I IEESYSAS - STARTED - TIME=05.25.47 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.16 00000281 IEF403I OMVS - STARTED - TIME=05.25.47 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.16 00000281 IEF403I DUMPSRV - STARTED - TIME=05.25.47 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.16 00000281 IEF196I IEF236I ALLOC. FOR DUMPSRV DUMPSRV N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.16 00000281 IEF196I IEF237I DMY ALLOCATED TO SYSTSPRT N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.17 00000281 IEF196I IEF237I DMY ALLOCATED TO SYSTSIN N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.22 00000281 IEF196I IEF237I 0A81 ALLOCATED TO SYS00001 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.23 00000281 IEF196I IEF237I 0A81 ALLOCATED TO SYS00002 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.24 00000281 IEF196I IEF237I 0A81 ALLOCATED TO SYS00003 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.24 00000281 IEF196I IEF237I 0A81 ALLOCATED TO SYS00004 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.25 00000281 IEF196I IEF237I 0A81 ALLOCATED TO SYS00005 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.26 00000281 IEF196I IEF237I 0A81 ALLOCATED TO SYS00006 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.27 00000281 IEF196I IEF237I 0A81 ALLOCATED TO SYS00007 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.28 00000281 IEF196I IEF237I 0A81 ALLOCATED TO SYS00008 N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.53 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER CEAPRM00 FOUND IN SYS1.PARMLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.57 00000290 CEA0501I FROM CEAPRM00: SNAPSHOT(N) N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.57 00000290 CEA0501I FROM CEAPRM00: HLQ(CEA) N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.57 00000290 CEA0501I FROM CEAPRM00: DUMPCAPTURETIME(SLIP(OPERLOG(00:30:00))) N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.57 00000290 CEA0501I FROM CEAPRM00: DUMPCAPTURETIME(SLIP(LOGREC(01:00:00))) N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.57 00000290 CEA0501I FROM CEAPRM00: DUMPCAPTURETIME(SLIP(LOGRECSUMMARY(24:00:00))) N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.58 00000290 CEA0501I FROM CEAPRM00: DUMPCAPTURETIME(DUMP(OPERLOG(00:30:00))) N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.58 00000290 CEA0501I FROM CEAPRM00: DUMPCAPTURETIME(DUMP(LOGREC(01:00:00))) N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.58 00000290 CEA0501I FROM CEAPRM00: DUMPCAPTURETIME(DUMP(LOGRECSUMMARY(24:00:00))) N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.58 00000290 CEA0501I FROM CEAPRM00: DUMPCAPTURETIME(ABEND(OPERLOG(00:30:00))) N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.59 00000290 CEA0501I FROM CEAPRM00: DUMPCAPTURETIME(ABEND(LOGREC(01:00:00))) N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.59 00000290 CEA0501I FROM CEAPRM00: DUMPCAPTURETIME(ABEND(LOGRECSUMMARY(24:00:00))) N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.59 00000281 IEF196I IEF285I USER.PARMLIB KEPT N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.59 00000281 IEF196I IEF285I VOL SER NOS= SBSYS1. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.60 00000281 IEF196I IEF285I ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB KEPT N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.60 00000281 IEF196I IEF285I VOL SER NOS= SBRES1. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.60 00000281 IEF196I IEF285I SYS1.PARMLIB KEPT N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.61 00000281 IEF196I IEF285I VOL SER NOS= SBRES1. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.61 00000290 CEA0502I CEA PARMLIB PROCESSING COMPLETE N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.82 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER CTIBPX00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.92 00000281 IEF196I IEF285I USER.PARMLIB KEPT N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.92 00000281 IEF196I IEF285I VOL SER NOS= SBSYS1. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.93 00000281 IEF196I IEF285I ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB KEPT N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.93 00000281 IEF196I IEF285I VOL SER NOS= SBRES1. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.93 00000281 IEF196I IEF285I SYS1.PARMLIB KEPT N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:47.93 00000281 IEF196I IEF285I VOL SER NOS= SBRES1. N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:48.14 00000290 IEE252I MEMBER CTILOG00 FOUND IN ADCD.Z111S.PARMLIB N 0000000 ADCD 19286 05:25:48.17 00000281 IEF196I IEF285I USER.PARMLIB

dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago

At mcisho's suggestion, I downloaded and built Hyperion SDL Version 4.1 and it ran successfully with no changes to the Configuration file. Does this mean something is going on in Hyperion 4.2?



Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

I also tried Hyperion SDL Version 4.1 and it worked!

I downloaded and built Hyperion SDL Version 4.1 and it ran successfully with no changes to the Configuration file.


Does this mean something is going on in Hyperion 4.2?

I believe the answer to that would obviously be yes!

I'm looking into it...

dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago

Thank you.

On Sun, Oct 13, 2019, 8:00 PM Fish-Git wrote:

I also tried Hyperion SDL Version 4.1 and it worked!

I downloaded and built Hyperion SDL Version 4.1 and it ran successfully with no changes to the Configuration file.


Does this mean something is going on in Hyperion 4.2?

I believe the answer to that would obviously be yes!

I'm looking into it...

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dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago

Good day, sir:

Is there anything I can do to help, perhaps a comparison of the v4.1 and v4.2 code? I have a license for "Beyond Compare", a nifty comparison utility that provides color-coded reports showing differences between two files, folders, etc.

Please advise.

Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

Is there anything I can do to help ...

Not really, no. We know what the problem is and how to fix it. We just haven't gotten around to doing it it yet due to the "politically sensitive nature" of the fix, so to speak.

Hang loose. It will be fixed sooner or later. We just can't say exactly when. Your continued patience is appreciated.

Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

p.s. I myself have been using "ExamDiff Pro" for years and years and years.

dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago


No worries, V4.1 is working fine.


On Sun, Feb 9, 2020, 6:18 PM Fish-Git wrote:

Is there anything I can do to help ...

Not really, no. We know what the problem is and how to fix it. We just haven't gotten around to doing it it yet due to the "politically sensitive nature" of the fix, so to speak.

Hang loose. It will be fixed sooner or later. We just can't say exactly when. Your continued patience is appreciated.

— You are receiving this because you modified the open/close state. Reply to this email directly, view it on GitHub, or unsubscribe .

dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago

Good afternoon, Fish. I know you're busy with Hyperion V4.3 and was wondering if the new version will address the z/OS IPL issue I found in V4.2.


Fish-Git commented 4 years ago

... and was wondering if the new version will address the z/OS IPL issue I found in V4.2.

That's the plan, yes.

dfortier2346 commented 4 years ago

Do you need a beta-tester?

On Thu, Mar 12, 2020, 7:59 PM Fish-Git wrote:

... and was wondering if the new version will address the z/OS IPL issue I found in V4.2.

That's the plan, yes.

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Fish-Git commented 3 years ago

Hi Dan! (@dfortier2346)

Fish wrote:

Dennis wrote:

... and was wondering if the new version will address the z/OS IPL issue I found in V4.2.

That's the plan, yes.

Just out of curiosity, have you had a chance to build and try the latest version yet? (git clone and build of current git repo)

I'm rather curious whether or not it fixes your IPL problem or not.


dfortier2346 commented 3 years ago

Hello, Fish

Been checking periodically, waiting for official release.

Is 4.3 ready for release?


On Thu, Oct 1, 2020, 5:41 PM Fish-Git wrote:

Hi Dan! (@dfortier2346

Fish wrote:

Dennis wrote:

... and was wondering if the new version will address the z/OS IPL issue I found in V4.2.

That's the plan, yes.

Just out of curiosity, have you had a chance to build and try the latest version yet? (git clone and build of current git repo)

I'm rather curious whether or not it fixes your IPL problem or not.


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Fish-Git commented 3 years ago

Is 4.3 ready for release?

Not yet, but hopefully it will be soon.

If I find time (HA!) I'll try building you a version you can try

OR... you can of course try building one for yourself. It's not hard!

dfortier2346 commented 3 years ago

I'll try building Linux version this weekend. Will let you know the results.


On Fri, Oct 2, 2020, 5:39 AM Fish-Git wrote:

Is 4.3 ready for release?

Not yet, but hopefully it will be soon.

If I find time (HA!) I'll try building you a version you can try

OR... you can of course try building one for yourself. It's not hard!

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dfortier2346 commented 3 years ago


I can’t seem to find a web page to download Hyperion 4.3, all the links I go to say “Page not found”. Please send a working link address.


From: Dennis Fortier Sent: Friday, October 2, 2020 8:47 AM To: SDL-Hercules-390/hyperion Cc: Dennis Fortier Subject: Re: [SDL-Hercules-390/hyperion] IPL failure with Hyperion v4.2 (#258)

I'll try building Linux version this weekend, well let you know the results.


On Fri, Oct 2, 2020, 5:39 AM Fish-Git < > wrote:

Is 4.3 ready for release?

Not yet, but hopefully it will be soon.

If I find time (HA!) I'll try building you a version you can try

OR... you can of course try building one for yourself. It's not hard!

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Fish-Git commented 3 years ago

FYI: I would prefer that you reply via the GitHub Issues web page, NOT via email.

I can’t seem to find a web page to download Hyperion 4.3, all the links I go to say “Page not found”.

What URL are you using?

wrljet commented 3 years ago

Dennis, Instructions for building the latest from source can be found here:

Scroll down a ways to the Linux section.

Fish-Git commented 3 years ago

Bill Lewis wrote:

Instructions for building the latest from source can be found here:

Scroll down a ways to the Linux section.


And I would like to emphasize the fact that building from a git clone of the repository is much preferred over building from the downloadable .zip file. Doing so ensures a 100% accurate version number. (Building from the downloadable .zip file only gives you a generic version number that doesn't tell us whether you're using the absolutely most current version of 4.3 or a much older 4.3. Building from the git clone of the repository however, tells us exactly what code you're running.)

dfortier2346 commented 3 years ago

I am on the and the latest release available is 4.2.1, not 4.3. I've already tried 4.2.1 and that's where the original failure occurred.

Do you want me to wait for 4.3 or retry 4.2.1?

Fish-Git commented 3 years ago


Do you have git installed on your Linux system? Yes or no?

If you do not, then please install it.

After it is installed, then "git clone" the current SDL repository, and build from THAT.

dfortier2346 commented 3 years ago


I installed git on my computer, then went to and followed the git documentation to do a clone to my hard drive. I then read and followed the install instructions outlined in and encountered a configuration failure. Here is the configuration log, look for the word "error".

This file contains any messages produced by compilers while
running configure, to aid debugging if configure makes a mistake.

It was created by configure, which was
generated by GNU Autoconf 2.69.  Invocation command line was

  $ ./configure 

## --------- ##
## Platform. ##
## --------- ##

hostname = Hercules
uname -m = x86_64
uname -r = 5.4.0-48-generic
uname -s = Linux
uname -v = #52-Ubuntu SMP Thu Sep 10 10:58:49 UTC 2020

/usr/bin/uname -p = unknown
/bin/uname -X     = unknown

/bin/arch              = unknown
/usr/bin/arch -k       = unknown
/usr/convex/getsysinfo = unknown
/usr/bin/hostinfo      = unknown
/bin/machine           = unknown
/usr/bin/oslevel       = unknown
/bin/universe          = unknown

PATH: /usr/local/sbin
PATH: /usr/local/bin
PATH: /usr/sbin
PATH: /usr/bin
PATH: /sbin
PATH: /bin
PATH: /usr/games
PATH: /usr/local/games
PATH: /snap/bin

## ----------- ##
## Core tests. ##
## ----------- ##

configure:3187: checking for a BSD-compatible install
configure:3255: result: /usr/bin/install -c
configure:3266: checking whether build environment is sane
configure:3321: result: yes
configure:3470: checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p
configure:3509: result: /bin/mkdir -p
configure:3516: checking for gawk
configure:3532: found /usr/bin/gawk
configure:3543: result: gawk
configure:3554: checking whether make sets $(MAKE)
configure:3576: result: yes
configure:3605: checking whether make supports nested variables
configure:3622: result: yes
configure:3760: checking whether make supports nested variables
configure:3777: result: yes
configure:3794: checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles
configure:3803: result: no
configure:3820: checking build system type
configure:3834: result: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
configure:3854: checking host system type
configure:3867: result: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
configure:3887: checking target system type
configure:3900: result: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
configure:3935: checking whether make supports the include directive
configure:3950: make -f confmf.GNU && cat confinc.out
this is the am__doit target
configure:3953: $? = 0
configure:3972: result: yes (GNU style)
configure:4042: checking for gcc
configure:4058: found /usr/bin/gcc
configure:4069: result: gcc
configure:4298: checking for C compiler version
configure:4307: gcc --version >&5
gcc (Ubuntu 9.3.0-10ubuntu2) 9.3.0
Copyright (C) 2019 Free Software Foundation, Inc.
This is free software; see the source for copying conditions.  There is NO

configure:4318: $? = 0
configure:4307: gcc -v >&5
Using built-in specs.
Target: x86_64-linux-gnu
Configured with: ../src/configure -v --with-pkgversion='Ubuntu 9.3.0-10ubuntu2' --with-bugurl=file:///usr/share/doc/gcc-9/README.Bugs --enable-languages=c,ada,c++,go,brig,d,fortran,objc,obj-c++,gm2 --prefix=/usr --with-gcc-major-version-only --program-suffix=-9 --program-prefix=x86_64-linux-gnu- --enable-shared --enable-linker-build-id --libexecdir=/usr/lib --without-included-gettext --enable-threads=posix --libdir=/usr/lib --enable-nls --enable-clocale=gnu --enable-libstdcxx-debug --enable-libstdcxx-time=yes --with-default-libstdcxx-abi=new --enable-gnu-unique-object --disable-vtable-verify --enable-plugin --enable-default-pie --with-system-zlib --with-target-system-zlib=auto --enable-objc-gc=auto --enable-multiarch --disable-werror --with-arch-32=i686 --with-abi=m64 --with-multilib-list=m32,m64,mx32 --enable-multilib --with-tune=generic --enable-offload-targets=nvptx-none,hsa --without-cuda-driver --enable-checking=release --build=x86_64-linux-gnu --host=x86_64-linux-gnu --target=x86_64-linux-gnu
Thread model: posix
gcc version 9.3.0 (Ubuntu 9.3.0-10ubuntu2) 
configure:4318: $? = 0
configure:4307: gcc -V >&5
gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-V'
gcc: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
configure:4318: $? = 1
configure:4307: gcc -qversion >&5
gcc: error: unrecognized command line option '-qversion'; did you mean '--version'?
gcc: fatal error: no input files
compilation terminated.
configure:4318: $? = 1
configure:4338: checking whether the C compiler works
configure:4360: gcc    conftest.c  >&5
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find Scrt1.o: No such file or directory
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find crti.o: No such file or directory
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
configure:4364: $? = 1
configure:4402: result: no
configure: failed program was:
| /* confdefs.h */
| #define PACKAGE_NAME ""
| #define PACKAGE_TARNAME ""
| #define PACKAGE_VERSION ""
| #define PACKAGE_STRING ""
| #define PACKAGE_URL ""
| #define PACKAGE "hercules"
| #define VERSION "4.3.9999"
| /* end confdefs.h.  */
| int
| main ()
| {
|   ;
|   return 0;
| }
configure:4407: error: in `/home/dollar/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion':
configure:4409: error: C compiler cannot create executables
See `config.log' for more details

## ---------------- ##
## Cache variables. ##
## ---------------- ##

ac_cv_path_install='/usr/bin/install -c'

## ----------------- ##
## Output variables. ##
## ----------------- ##

ACLOCAL='${SHELL} /home/dollar/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion/autoconf/missing aclocal-1.16'
AUTOCONF='${SHELL} /home/dollar/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion/autoconf/missing autoconf'
AUTOHEADER='${SHELL} /home/dollar/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion/autoconf/missing autoheader'
AUTOMAKE='${SHELL} /home/dollar/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion/autoconf/missing automake-1.16'
INSTALL_STRIP_PROGRAM='$(install_sh) -c -s'
MAKEINFO='${SHELL} /home/dollar/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion/autoconf/missing makeinfo'
MKDIR_P='/bin/mkdir -p'
am__tar='$${TAR-tar} chof - "$$tardir"'
am__untar='$${TAR-tar} xf -'
install_sh='${SHELL} /home/dollar/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion/autoconf/install-sh'

## ----------- ##
## confdefs.h. ##
## ----------- ##

/* confdefs.h */
#define PACKAGE_NAME ""
#define PACKAGE_URL ""
#define PACKAGE "hercules"
#define VERSION "4.3.9999"

configure: exit 77
wrljet commented 3 years ago


gcc -V is an ancient obsolete switch, which means something before the configure isn't correct.

Try running ./ before ./configure

And, what is the exact version of Ubuntu you're using, just so we know?


dfortier2346 commented 3 years ago


Thank you for your reply. I recently installed Linux Mint 20 (Ulyana).

The install instructions you provided do not include ./ I will try again and let you know the results.

Dennis Fortier

wrljet commented 3 years ago

Is Mint based on Ubuntu? (I've never dabbled with Mint)

dfortier2346 commented 3 years ago

Yes, Linux Mint 20 is based on the latest version of Ubuntu. It is a Debian-based version, as is Ubuntu.

wrljet commented 3 years ago

OK. That's what I figured. If the autogen doesn't do the trick, I will set up a Mint VM and give it a try myself.

dfortier2346 commented 3 years ago


Here is the ./ log:

dollar@Hercules:~/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion$ ./ Note: if you do not see a 'All processing successfully completed.' message when this script completes, then something went wrong and you should examine the output to try and determine what it was that went wrong.

aclocal... OK. (25% done) autoheader... OK. (50% done) automake... OK. (75% done) autoconf... OK. (100% done)

All processing successfully completed.

You may now run ./configure in order to create a custom Makefile that is suitable for your platform and environment. dollar@Hercules:~/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion$ ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... gawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu checking target system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style) checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... no configure: error: in /home/dollar/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion': configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables Seeconfig.log' for more details dollar@Hercules:~/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion$

dfortier2346 commented 3 years ago


Disregard this message, forgot to run ./util/bldlvlck first. I’ll resend all results shortly.

dfortier2346 commented 3 years ago


Same results.

dollar@Hercules:~/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion$ ./ Note: if you do not see a 'All processing successfully completed.' message when this script completes, then something went wrong and you should examine the output to try and determine what it was that went wrong.

aclocal... OK. (25% done) autoheader... OK. (50% done) automake... OK. (75% done) autoconf... OK. (100% done)

All processing successfully completed.

You may now run ./configure in order to create a custom Makefile that is suitable for your platform and environment. dollar@Hercules:~/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion$ ./util/bldlvlck This utility will check the level of various utilities needed to build hercules. Checking is done against versions that are KNOWN to work. This doesn't mean a build will NOT succeed with older versions of the utilities, but will give a hint as to what package may need an upgrade if the build ever fails with some odd reason.

OK autoconf requires 2.64, found 2.69 OK automake requires 1.9, found 1.16.1 OK flex requires 2.5, found 2.6.4 OK gawk requires 3.0, found 5.0.1 OK gcc requires 3, found 9.3.0 OK grep requires 1, found 3.4 OK m4 requires 1.4.6, found 1.4.18 OK make requires 3.79, found 4.2.1 OK perl requires 5.6, found 5.30.0 OK sed requires 3.02, found 4.7

dollar@Hercules:~/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion$ ./configure checking for a BSD-compatible install... /usr/bin/install -c checking whether build environment is sane... yes checking for a thread-safe mkdir -p... /bin/mkdir -p checking for gawk... gawk checking whether make sets $(MAKE)... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... yes checking whether make supports nested variables... (cached) yes checking whether to enable maintainer-specific portions of Makefiles... no checking build system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu checking host system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu checking target system type... x86_64-pc-linux-gnu checking whether make supports the include directive... yes (GNU style) checking for gcc... gcc checking whether the C compiler works... no configure: error: in /home/dollar/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion': configure: error: C compiler cannot create executables Seeconfig.log' for more details dollar@Hercules:~/Locker/Hyperion/hyperion$

wrljet commented 3 years ago

OK Can you point me to the exact thing you used to install Mint? URL to ISO, etc? I'll set it up and see if I can figure it out.


dfortier2346 commented 3 years ago


The download page has 3 Editions, I installed the first – Cinnamon.


wrljet commented 3 years ago

I have installed Mint 20 in a VMware VM. Mint looks like a pretty nice distribution!

First off the suggestion was a red herring.

Here's what I did, and it "works for me":

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt list --upgradable

    sudo apt install --yes build-essential
    sudo apt install --yes cmake git autoconf flex gawk

    which gcc
    gcc --version

    mkdir sdl42
    mkdir herc42
    mkdir extpkgs

    cd extpkgs
    git clone

    cp gists/ .
    cp gists/ .

    ./ CLONE c d s t

    cd ../sdl42
    git clone

    cd hyperion/


    ./configure --prefix=/home/bill/hercules/herc42 --enable-extpkgs=/home/bill/hercules/extpkgs
    ./config.status --config

    make -j

    # quickie test
    # sudo ./hercules

Things in your config.log and mine diverged here:

Mine: configure:4338: checking whether the C compiler works configure:4360: gcc conftest.c >&5 configure:4364: $? = 0 configure:4412: result: yes

Yours: configure:4338: checking whether the C compiler works configure:4360: gcc conftest.c >&5 /usr/bin/ld: cannot find Scrt1.o: No such file or directory /usr/bin/ld: cannot find crti.o: No such file or directory collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status

So... I guess we have to take that at face value. For some reason your gcc "doesn't work". Try:

sudo apt install --yes build-essential

And then run configure again.


dfortier2346 commented 3 years ago


Thank you, your time was well spent.

After following your enhanced installation instructions, it worked. I suspect the divergence in configuration line 4338 has to do with my not installing build-essential -- apparently it is not part of the standard distribution.

I'll update my notes with the new and improved install instructions.
