SDRplay / dump1090

Version of dump1090 for RSP devices
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lot of errors like "multiple definition of" #2

Closed Dieter9 closed 2 years ago

Dieter9 commented 4 years ago

I tried to compile the api3 branch on my Arch Linux System, but got a lot of errors like this:

gcc -g -o dump1090 dump1090.o anet.o interactive.o mode_ac.o mode_s.o net_io.o crc.o demod_2000.o demod_2400.o demod_8000.o stats.o cpr.o icao_filter.o track.o util.o convert.o dump1090.h -L./ -lsdrplay_api -lpthread -lm -lrtlsdr  -lrt `pkg-config --libs librtlsdr`  
/usr/bin/ld: interactive.o:/home/my/src/dump1090-api3/dump1090.h:403: multiple definition of `Modes'; dump1090.o:/home/my/src/dump1090-api3/dump1090.h:403: first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: interactive.o:/home/my/src/dump1090-api3/dump1090.h:411: multiple definition of `slaveAttached'; dump1090.o:/home/my/src/dump1090-api3/dump1090.h:411: first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: interactive.o:/home/my/src/dump1090-api3/dump1090.h:410: multiple definition of `slaveUninitialised'; dump1090.o:/home/my/src/dump1090-api3/dump1090.h:410: first defined here
/usr/bin/ld: interactive.o:/home/my/src/dump1090-api3/dump1090.h:410: multiple definition of `masterInitialised'; dump1090.o:/home/my/src/dump1090-api3/dump1090.h:410: first defined here

I have searching in the internet and tried a lot but was not able to fix the Problem.

srs4511351 commented 3 years ago

Please see my post on issue API3 version compile error #6 It tries to explain the error, but we need a programmer to fix it.


srs4511351 commented 3 years ago

If you have a Raspberry Pi or an older OS that you can boot to, see API3 version compile error #6 I managed to get it to work.


Dieter9 commented 3 years ago

Thank you for the information, but I think the problem has to be fixed in the source code by the owner.

srs4511351 commented 3 years ago

How did you do it? The source code branch cloned by this command hasn't been changed in 2 years. git clone -b api3

Recently, I had the same multiple definition errors when compiling this code with gcc 10.2.1 The older version in Debian buster did not have the problem.


SDRplay commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the delay on sorting this...

The repo has been cleaned up and now the master branch supports API3 and should build correctly. The has been updated with better instructions and the Makefile has some additional comments.

Best regards,
