SE701-T5 / Backend

Heroku deployed Node.js backend server developed by Team-5 for the UniForum project associated with the University of Auckland SOFTENG 701 course
MIT License
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Fix CI/CD for main repository #61

Closed R055A closed 2 years ago

R055A commented 2 years ago

FIx the continuous integration workflow pipeline for pushes and manual workflow dispatches to the main branch in the main repository.

The conditional statement checks if the GITHUB_REF environment vairable is 'main' when it should check if the GITHUB_REF_NAME environment variable is 'main'.

The following fix requires being applied to line 110 in .github/workflows/node.js.yml:

if: github.event_name != 'pull_request_target' && github.repository == 'SE701-T5/Backend' && github.ref_name == 'main'

Until this is fix is implemented the CI and CD for the main branch in the main repository will be skipped.