SE701-T5 / Backend

Heroku deployed Node.js backend server developed by Team-5 for the UniForum project associated with the University of Auckland SOFTENG 701 course
MIT License
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Fix CI/CD Workflow for Main Repository #62

Closed R055A closed 2 years ago

R055A commented 2 years ago


This is a fix for the continuous integration and deployment workflow pipeline for pushes and manual workflow dispatches to the main branch in the main repository.

The bug was that the conditional statement checked if the GITHUB_REF environment vairable is 'main' when it should have checked if the GITHUB_REF_NAME environment variable is 'main'.

The following fix is applied to line 110 in .github/workflows/node.js.yml:

if: github.event_name != 'pull_request_target' && github.repository == 'SE701-T5/Backend' && github.ref_name == 'main'

This fix prevents the CI and CD for the main branch in the main repository from being skipped.

Related Issue

Solves #61

Type of change


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