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Progress update 2/22/2024 #17

Open KatGodwin-NOAA opened 6 months ago

KatGodwin-NOAA commented 6 months ago

Sub Milestones: Data Flagging Project

Milestone 1 - Send funding to Contracting Agency and Cooperative Institution (DONE)

Milestone 2 - Develop data flagging system to be programed - 9/1/2023



Milestone 3 - Develop data visualization to be programed - 10/6/2023


Milestone 4 - Develop data filtering and binning processes to be programed - 11/3/2023


Sub Milestones: Data Flagging Project

  1. Look at how many unique interviews there for a given date(complete)
    1. Interview date vs historical vs oracle # of interviews(complete)
    2. Correct dates to historical dates (complete)
  2. Areazip correction (in progress)
    1. Look for sample_county_code table codes that have muni/county names that correspond to codes (complete)
    2. Look in oracle tables and tip manuals: Once fixed, update reporting_area_zip/PLACE_ID
  3. Match gear codes (complete)
  4. Convert old species codes to itis (in progress)
  5. How many length records for each species
  6. Possibly find # of matching and mismatching lengths

Outline of process completed

TIP data flagging and automation

The following is the order in which exploration took place:

  1. preparation
    • learn the dataset
    • identify key resource documents
  2. variable reporting consistency across all islands and species
    • how many variables have 100% or 0% reporting consistencies
    • which variables fluctuate in reporting consistencies and why
    • identify relevant variable for length-weight composition
    • visualize reporting consistency across time
  3. length-weight relevant variable investigation by species
    • data visualization - visually identify outliers in length and weight variables
    • county_sampled over time
    • sample_weight over time by county_sampled
    • gear utilization over time by county_sampled
    • obs_weight over time by county_sampled
    • length over time by county sampled
    • statistical exploration of length values
    • Molly Stevens's SEDAR size-comp script exploration
    • collaborate with Kyle Dettloff on Generalized Mixed Model Linear analysis of measured lengths relative to gear and time
  4. Quarto document to streamline SEDAR size comp analysis with flags included
  5. streamlined scripts of all flagging and visualization completed in this project

Historical flagging and comparison

  1. build script to compare each data set by year
    • compare interview dates
    • compare areas sampled
    • compare gear used
    • compare species sampled
  2. identified a possible bug in ORACLE relating to daylight savings time shifts
  3. mapped updated site specific muni codes in PR
mollystevens-noaa commented 6 months ago

We have this dataset from R work, what are the easy development wins? How are we going to store and disseminate the data?

mollystevens-noaa commented 6 months ago

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