SEG4910-Capstone / ros-workspace

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Installing the ros dependencies

This will install the dependencies like navigation2, ros2_control, etc on to the system.
sudo rosdep init
rosdep update
Navigate to the ros-workspace then
rosdep install --from-paths src --ignore-src -r -y

Building the workspace

colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

Sourcing the build in terminal

source install/setup.bash (Assuming you are in ros-workspace)

To not do this each time you open up a new terminal go to the

nano ~/.bashrc, and add source {full path to your setup.bash file}. Ex. source /home/ros-workspace/install/setup.bash


To launch the simulation there are 3 different launch commands
ros2 launch snowplow
This command launches the virtual environment with the simulated physical robot and sensors.
ros2 launch snowplow use_sim_time:=true params_file:=[location to mapping slam config]
This command launches the SLAM toolbox in mapping mode where you can save the map after you navigate around the area. The params_file parameter is optional.
ros2 launch snowplow use_sim_time:=true
This command launches the nav2 stack which has all the plugins for waypoint following, behavior tree, path planning, etc.


After generating a map of the surrounding, AMCL can be used to localize the robot within a given area. For this there are 3 launch commands to run.
ros2 launch snowplow
This command launches the virtual environment with the simulated physical robot and sensors.
ros2 launch snowplow use_sim_time:=true map:=[the yaml file generated from SLAM mapping] params_file:=[location to nav2 config
This command launches the map server and AMCL. The params_file parameter is optional again as it is defaulted to a preset config file.
ros2 launch snowplow use_sim_time:=true map_subscribe_transient_local:=true default_bt_xml_filename:=[path to bt tree file]
This command launches the nav2 stack which has all the plugins for waypoint following, behavior tree, path planning, etc. defaukt_bt_xml_filename parameter is optional and defaults to an existing config if nothing is passed.