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Asset distribustion dct:license #19

Open sandervd opened 4 years ago

sandervd commented 4 years ago

I would consider changing the range to spdx:License, and constrain instances to the spdx reference dataset (

bertvannuffelen commented 4 years ago

if spdx:License is compatible with the notion of a dct:LicenseDocument it might be considered.

definition spdx:License

A License represents a copyright license. The SPDX license list website is annotated with these properties (using RDFa) to allow license data published there to be easily processed. The license list is populated in accordance with the License List fields guidelines. These guidelines are not normative and may change over time. SPDX tooling should not rely on values in the license list conforming to the current guidelines." (en)

definition dct:LicenseDocument

A legal document giving official permission to do something with a resource.

Aside from that, does the spdx project will maintain the stability of the URLs? Instead of directly referring to the legaltext of the license we refer to an item in a code list. In order to take benefit from that as a decentralized publishing, the URLs should be stable. It is worth to check that.

Finally I see that the github promotes the http resources instead of the https resources. Honestly I think we should pursue the https variant.