SEMICeu / Core-Business-Vocabulary

This is the issue tracker for the maintenance of Core Business Vocabulary
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Name of the Vocabulary: Business vs LegalEntity #20

Open dimi-schepers opened 3 years ago

dimi-schepers commented 3 years ago

During the Core Vocs webinar dd. 2021-04-23, a question was raised regarding the name of the Core Vocabulary. Since Legal Entity constitutes the core class of the vocabulary, why is it named Core Business? Furthermore is "business" itself not defined in the vocabulary.

GeertThijs commented 1 year ago

See similar/related comments in issue #26, #27, #28 and #29. In my opinion LegalEntity is a badely chosen name as there are other kinds of legal entities that are no Business. And even Business is not the proper name as 1) not every LegalEntity is actually doing business in the stricter sense (eg non-profits) and 2) a sole trader can also be considered being a Business then. The term used by REGORG is RegisteredOrganization which indicates that we wortk with an Organization that has become a legal entity as a result of being officially registered.