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Generate labels for the ISS Calibrated data files #119

Open matthewtiscareno opened 1 month ago

matthewtiscareno commented 1 month ago

First will need to obtain the data from Viewmaster.

Also obtain the label files from the Cassini ISS Raw bundle in PDS4, to use as raw material for this project.

Create a template for the PDS4 calibrated image labels, based on raw image labels. It will need to include an Internal Reference to the associated raw product. It will also need to include information about the version of Cisscal (Cassini ISS Calibration software) that was used, as well as Cisscal input parameters. It will also need to include Product Creation Time for the calibrated image.

Write a subroutine that does the following: 1) Input calibrated image file and associated raw PDS4 label and PDS4 Template object 2) Extract the following from the VICAR header of the calibrated image a) Cisscal version number b) Cisscal input parameters c) Product Creation Time d) VICAR label size (LBLSIZE parameter) 3) Open and read PDS4 label for raw image 4) Insert information into PDS4 label template to create the calibrated image label

Write a program that creates the PDS4 Template object and then walks through the entire data set and executes the above subroutine for every product.