In sensor_msgs/Imu message, covariance are set to 0 and -1 for orientation_covariance (so, for example orientation part could not be feeded in ros localization).
In sick_generic_imu.cpp file line 763 : covariance is fixed only when cloud_output_mode is egal to 2
There is any reason to not set properly IMU covariance for other cloud_output_mode ?
Could IMU be used in other modes?
I'm trying to use IMU from MRS1000 scanner.
In sensor_msgs/Imu message, covariance are set to 0 and -1 for orientation_covariance (so, for example orientation part could not be feeded in ros localization).
In sick_generic_imu.cpp file line 763 : covariance is fixed only when cloud_output_mode is egal to 2
There is any reason to not set properly IMU covariance for other cloud_output_mode ? Could IMU be used in other modes?