A small module for handling ini files.
Based on the SPIFFS file system.
It works just like in Windows.
Only four functions:
- opening the ini file : ini_open (String ini_name);
- key reading : ini_read (String section, String key, String default);
- key writing : ini_write(String section, String key, String value);
- key deletion : ini_delete_key(String section, String key);
- section deletion : ini_delete_section(String section);
- closing the ini file : ini_close();
It works on String variables.
If you need to get a different type - just use the conversion.
Comments inside ini file are allowed; (starting # or ;). Empty lines too.
ver. 2.0
Brand new version.
Very fast action.
All operations are performed in RAM!
Writing to disk is only after calling ini_close ().
Added procedures for deleting only the key or the entire section.