SKGleba / iTLS-Enso

Adds TLS v1.2 to Enso enabled devices
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c2-12828-1 in pkgj after installing iTLS #32

Open Harueko opened 1 year ago

Harueko commented 1 year ago

vita 1108(using wifi only). 3.65 downgraded from 3.74 using henkaku from h-encore without enso iTLS-Enso downloaded today from vitadb directly on vita.

issue is. first. started downloading borderlands 2 eur version from pkgj while doing that decided to install iTLS-Enso from vitadb installed it. installed full packgage from it(by just selecting "install full packgage" option in iTLS menu) tested browser(it worked) then noticed downloading error with c0-9250-6. tried to restart download and noticed that pkgj crashes with c2-12828-1 and in same time. browser started to refuse load any pages. it just tried to open, shows default WWW logo and just returns into "launch" screen. tried to reinstall pkgj. that won't helped. with same c2-12828-1. then while searching. noticed that cookies could help with that error. but decided to go one step further with that. and uninstalled iTLS(as it was latest thing that messes with browder files)(from iTLS menu by chooisng "uninstall all option") and that fixed c2-12828-1 in pkgj and browser works. after reboot. any ideas what could go wrong with iTLS. and what to do with it? (as i didn't tried to reinstall iTLS yet to see if error come back)

olokos commented 8 months ago
using henkaku from h-encore without enso
iTLS-Enso downloaded today from vitadb directly on vita

iTLS-Enso works much better on Enso consoles. I haven't tried non-enso personally, but if You can, then try to install 3.65 Enso and then install full iTLS-Enso.

Let us know how it goes.