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Mozilla Study Groups July Update #3

Closed bkatiemills closed 9 years ago

bkatiemills commented 9 years ago

Hi everyone,

More and more Study Groups are springing up around the world! June saw the launch of groups in Toronto and SFU in Canada, two (one at the SEC and one regional) in Sylhet, Bangladesh, and one in Baltimore at the University of Maryland - welcome aboard all.

This month, I'd like your help to design some open data events for your Study Group. Anything goes - could be lessons, projects, themed work-alongs - anything you think will be interesting to your group, and help everyone learn and work with open data. There's a conversation thread about this in the the upstream Study Group repo - let everyone know what you come up with there. And, more generally, feel free to use that issue tracker to have conversations across all the Study Groups - you are all part of a growing worldwide community, don't be afraid to start up a conversation!

Some other cool stuff that's going on with Study Groups around the world:

Is your group working on something cool? Of course it is! Tell the world in the upstream repo, or let me know directly at