SOSChildrensVillages / HackXmas2019

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What is core assessment? #9

Open qwad1000 opened 4 years ago

qwad1000 commented 4 years ago

Is it an initial assessment of the situation in which family is in?

strabu commented 4 years ago

When a family is entering our programme the social worker does an interview with the family where the status quo of the family is assessed. The assessment covers Health, Wellbeing, Education, Livelihood, Accomodation, Protection, Care, Summary of all family-members (children and parents).

See: documentation/screenshots-pdb2/2b_PDB-screenshot-CoreAssessment.png for how the form looks like.

On an annual basis this Assesment is repeated to measure a familiy's progress.

Based on the Assessment the "Family Development Plan" is made. See: documentation/screenshots-pdb2/2c_PDB-screenshot-FamilyDevelopmentPlan.png The color of the icons below "summary core assessment" show the worst indicator from each category. So it's easy to identify the areas where we need to work.