Use TTGO T-Beam as LoRa APRS Tracker
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LoRa APRS in Packet mode #41

Open US1GHQ opened 2 years ago

US1GHQ commented 2 years ago

Good evening.

  1. I want to thank you for your work in the development of this tracker
  2. At the moment I am the only one in Ukraine who started using and developing the APRS network based on LoRa and I have a question for you.
  3. I connected my LoRa module to BPQ32 software, DIGI / IGATE mode works fine, but I would also like to enable packet mode so that others can connect to WinLink network via LoRa and my Node.So when I send a command to connect from another device (WoAD + LoRa module and your firmware), my node does not respond, can this be somehow implemented in this firmware? If I understand correctly, then the SABM command does not pass. Maybe i am doing something wrong?
  4. I also noticed that any program for working with TNC(Agwpe Packet engine) sends commands TxDelay, Textail, Persistence and all this goes on the air, although it should not. LoRa

Sorry for my English and Thanks. Best regards US1GHQ - Alexsandr 73!

Qyon commented 2 years ago

TNC sending control data error fixed in PR #45 But this PR also provides many other changes, that need to be tested (mainly in TNC via Wifi handling code). General use TNC (suitable for winlink etc.) is in my plans, but some details need more thought.

US1GHQ commented 2 years ago

Very big thanks, i am trying testing tomorrow. My TNC connected to bpq32 over wifi, so i am testing all features. If needed some information i am ready help Best regards and 73 - US1GHQ Alexsandr

SQ9MDD commented 2 years ago

Corrections are available: https://github.com/SQ9MDD/TTGO-T-Beam-LoRa-APRS/releases/tag/refs%2Fheads%2Fmaster-2021-08-22T071803

I am waiting for confirmation that the changes are working.

US1GHQ commented 2 years ago

Good evening all. So i am tested new changes.

  1. Then programm (AGWPE or bpq32) send commands tx tail, persiserence, and other commands all fine
  2. Other commands for connecting to bbs winlink As said Qyon need time to be implemented
  3. I found bug with Web interface after all changes, not showing what is received lora_aprs2

So maybe do not close this issue Other works is fine. Many big thanks =) And sorry for my English.

Qyon commented 2 years ago

I found bug with Web interface after all changes, not showing what is received

Only APRS packets will be shown here.

// 73 SQ5RWU

US1GHQ commented 2 years ago

I know, After the update, it does not show anything at all. My second TNC is running previous version of firmware and showing all aprs packets =) lora_aprs3

US1GHQ commented 2 years ago

Good evening all, i am try reaize PACKET MODE and there is little progress. Now i can connect to the WINLINK/BBS node but i cannot send my current position over LoRa APRS, because compatibility is broken. now I am thinking how to solve this issue so that the TNC automatically switches between APRS and PACKET mode. then i finished i create the pull request. On the screenshot, i am connecting to BPQ32 node chat over LoRa. lora_aprs4

US1GHQ commented 2 years ago

Hi all After long time i realize Packet mode for using with WINLINK/BBS, since I'm a beginner in programming,maybe someone can do better The main idea is , by default TNC works in PACKET mode, as soon as the packet contains the word (WIDE, RELAY, ECHO) TNC switches to plain text mode (OE MODE, need for compatibility with existing software Lora_Aprs_Igate etc.) processes the packet and goes back to PACKET MODE. All the changes that I made are in my personal GIT repository. http://git.mis.ks.ua/US1GHQ/TTGO-T-Beam-LoRa-APRS.git It also remains to implement the CSMA (CAD) mode, as without it, very interesting results are obtained ;-) Short video demonstrating receive Winlink message. https://youtu.be/XouUY27LVts