SSWConsulting / SSW.Rules

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⚒️New Rules PoC - Spike into Keystatic #1093

Closed JackDevAU closed 7 months ago

JackDevAU commented 1 year ago

Cc: @adamcogan,@bradystroud, @BrookJeynes, @Aibono1225

Hi Team,


Rules uses a lot of old unmaintained packages and is currently relying on a lot of old technology due to these. The project is also written with JS, which makes it an on going pain when trying to maintain this project and add new features.

What code could be improved?

Lets update to the latest Gatsby, move to TS and find new alternatives to the unmaintained packages/Gatsby plugins.


More Information

--- Update ---

Improving the current rules has been ruled as a waste of man power. As such a quick PoC has been spun up with next.js and Keystatic.



JackDevAU commented 1 year ago

Timebox to ~3 days

JackDevAU commented 11 months ago

CC: @adamcogan @BrookJeynes @Aibono1225 @bradystroud

As per my conversation with Brady and the Rules team, I have been looking into replacements to the current Rules engine.

This is due to a number of factors,

I have looked into the following,

DecapCMS (Our current CMS implementation)

❌Development is slow ❌Critical bugs haven't been fixed for over a year ✅Yes to GitHub green squares ✅Anyone with a GitHub account has access to an editor

Keystatic - A GitHub or local CMS. (Recommended ✅)

❌Relatively new product ✅GitHub green squares ✅Anyone with a GitHub account has access to a nice editor

TinaCMS - We use this for the Website and while it works amazing for a closed content repo, for a solution like Rules this wouldn't be viable.

❌No GitHub green squares ❌Only a select few people can make edits via the editor ❌Users cost money ✅Editor is top notch ✅Familiar editing experience

And a bunch of others.. 99% of these are headless CMS - i.e. using their own hosting services and UI - meaning they wouldn't be suitable for Rules as we would need to allow users to have access to our content via their service. This could cost us $$

Image Figure: Other popular CMS

Proof of Concept

For the PoC I have chosen Next.js + Keystatic. The acceptance criteria are the following,

JackDevAU commented 11 months ago

CC: @adamcogan @bradystroud @BrookJeynes

Hi Team,

The Proof of Concept is feature complete and has passed all but 1 remaining acceptance criteria.

To note with just over 3,000 simple rules (Markdown + image) the build time is around 2 minutes. (This is a full build of all pages)

Screenshots (Styling still a work in progress)

Image Figure: Home page

Image Figure: Rule page

Image Figure: Category page

JackDevAU commented 7 months ago

Closing - I have spiked into Keystatic for a PoC and found that the product is too new with a bunch of issues that are getting fixed but currently make the experience unviable for Rules.