STAT325-S24 / MobyDick

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issues with package check #15

Closed nicholasjhorton closed 3 months ago

nicholasjhorton commented 3 months ago

See the following issues:

❯ checking top-level files ... NOTE
  Non-standard files/directories found at top level:
    ‘MobyDick-Report.html’ ‘MobyDick-Report.pdf’ ‘MobyDick-Report.qmd’
    ‘MobyDick-Report_files’ ‘app.R’ ‘index.html’ ‘moby-dick.csv’
    ‘sources.bib’ ‘token_type_summary.csv’ ‘token_with_chapters.csv’

I would suggest:

  1. consolidating the app, report, and bib files into a new vignette folder that you reference in
arogers24 commented 3 months ago -- I made some of your edits before creating this new folder, but this commit contains this change.