STAT545-UBC-hw-2019-20 / stat545-hw-arlobrynthorn

stat545-hw-arlobrynthorn created by GitHub Classroom
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TA feedback for hw03 #8

Open wvictor14 opened 5 years ago

wvictor14 commented 5 years ago

Hi Arlo,

Overall, good work. You have a good understanding of how to use dplyr and create plots.

My general feedback is to try and make your reports understandable. The writing in your report would be difficult for someone else to understand (someone not part of this course, e.g. a supervisor/layman). You should try writing in such a way that anyone can understand what you are doing. Same goes for your plots: when you make a plot, consider whether a viewer can understand what the plot is showing, just from looking at the plot (not the code, or even the text).

More specific feedback:

# with spaces, not good
gapminder %>%
  select (continent, year, lifeExp) %>%
  group_by (continent, year) %>%
  arrange (continent, year) %>%
  summarize(ave_lifeEXp = mean(lifeExp))

# without spaces, good
gapminder %>%
  select(continent, year, lifeExp) %>%
  group_by(continent, year) %>%
  arrange(continent, year) %>%
  summarize(ave_lifeEXp = mean(lifeExp))**

This is just good practice - it helps denote when you are calling a function or not.

wvictor14 commented 5 years ago

Hey Arlo, we decided not to deduct marks for the github pages component of this assignment. Since we couldn't figure it out together previously.

If you want to figure out why the pages didn't work, ask Firas or another TA, since I was unsuccessful last time.

Otherwise, I would just suggest submitting future assignments (I realize there's only one left), using .md files, and making sure you use non-html only features (avoid data.table).
