This repo is a place for homework assignments to be completed for STAT545 class by Arlo Bryn-Thorn. Each assignment will be completed within a different file saved in this repo so that assignments can be easily identified.
Here are links to my assignments:
I am a second-year graduate student studying in the Stream and Riparian Research Lab with Dr. John Richardson. I hope to determine the ecological impacts of different forest management strategies on headwater riparian plant communities through the assessment of 6 plant functional traits. I grew up on Salt Spring Island, completed my undergrad at UBC, and have worked various jobs under the umbrella of Forestry since 2012.
I recently read something important about this assignment:
"Include at least five markdown features in your README"
-Vincenzo (here)
I beleive I have followed that instruction carefully (although, why won't tildes make my strikethrough work here?!)