STG-7 / CSABlogging

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CSA Pop Quiz - Shaurya Goel #6

Open STG-7 opened 9 months ago

STG-7 commented 9 months ago

Total: ( 0.95 + 0.80 + 0.90 + 0.90 ) / 4 = 3.55 / 4.0

Question 1 - Score: 0.95

Describe server_name definition and proxy_pass definition in your revrese_proxy configuration file

In the provided Nginx configuration, the server_name definition specifies that the server block applies to requests with the domain name "" The proxy_pass definition within the location / block forwards these requests to the Kasm workspace, which is running on https://localhost:8443, effectively acting as a reverse proxy for handling the specified domain.

pic1 pic2

Question 2 - Score: 0.80

Show JWT login process, split the browses screen and after login, go into a page that requires authentication and produces a cookie, that cookie can go into an io

JWT Login Process:

Question 3 - Score: 0.90

explain security config rules that are required for access in spring boot project, provide request matcher show commit, request matcher show authentication requirement

// Request Matchers and Authentication Rules
.authorizeHttpRequests(auth -> auth
    .requestMatchers("/mvc/person/update/**", "/mvc/person/delete/**").authenticated()

Question 4 - Score: 0.90

explain a pojo and changes to a pojo, show a pojo in vscode editor, highlight somehting you changed, show pojo result and data via postman

A POJO, is

Changes to a POJO involve
