Hello, I'm replicating the quaternion application with the lsm6dsv16bx IMU, but I'm getting garbage data when setting the ODR for the quaternion at 60Hz or above (basically many NaN values in the quaternion).
The maximum ODR supported by the block (and the specific functions) does not seem to be documented, but I read on the datasheet that the pedometer works at 30Hz. Should we assume 30Hz for all the embedded functions? If so, why is there the option to have fifo batching for an even higher frequency?
Hello, I'm replicating the quaternion application with the lsm6dsv16bx IMU, but I'm getting garbage data when setting the ODR for the quaternion at 60Hz or above (basically many NaN values in the quaternion). The maximum ODR supported by the block (and the specific functions) does not seem to be documented, but I read on the datasheet that the pedometer works at 30Hz. Should we assume 30Hz for all the embedded functions? If so, why is there the option to have fifo batching for an even higher frequency?