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support: migrated to supportconfig.rc #1055

Closed mssola closed 11 months ago

mssola commented 11 months ago


ALP will not support the deprecated scplugin.rc framework. This commit, then, migrates our support script to work with supportconfig.rc.

This patch has been originally contributed by Jason Record on the linked Bugzilla entry.

Fixes bsc#1216389

How to demo

NOTE: I have tested the following on a SLES15 SP4 machine. It would be extra dope if you could test it on other environments such as SLES12 LTSS.

The easiest route is to either install RMT on a machine, or re-use an existing installation. Thus, before any of this, ensure that rmt-server and supportutils are installed on your system. Then just copy the support/rmt file from this PR into /usr/lib/supportconfig/plugins and give it executable rights (as root):

# cp <path>/support/rmt /usr/lib/supportconfig/plugins/
# chmod +x /usr/lib/supportconfig/plugins/rmt

To ensure that the installation works, run supportconfig like so:

# supportconfig -F

There should be prmt (the 'p' is just a prefix for 'plugin'). You could try running just this plugin:

# supportconfig -i prmt

On the generated tarball, make sure that there is a file named output-rmt.txt with the results from this run.

Note that stuff like passwords have been blanked out by supportconfig.rc, this is to be expected. As a reference, this is the configuration as shown from my machine:

  host: localhost
  database: rmt
  username: rmt
  adapter: mysql2
  encoding: utf8
  timeout: 5000
  pool: 5

Change Type

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Other Notes

Please use this space to provide notes or thoughts to the team, such as tips on how to review/demo your changes.

mssola commented 11 months ago

Bug 1216389 - The supportconfig rmt plugin is using a deprecated library

suse-tests-pass commented 11 months ago

Well Done! Your tests are still passing. If the given link has expired,you can force a Prophet rerun by just deleting this comment. (Merged a72344d7eb71fdc8af9cbe4b63e1f4d09ac4be2a into 803d2b255cb03f78b6f794e567510d87df12a9e5)