SagiK-Repository / Learn_CSharp_Web

Learn ASP.Net Core, Blazor
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ASP.NET Core Web Application with SQL Server and CRUD - BoostMyTool #5

Closed SAgiKPJH closed 23 hours ago

SAgiKPJH commented 1 day ago
SAgiKPJH commented 1 day ago

Project Create

INSERT INTO clients (name, email, phone, address) VALUES ('Bill Gates', '', '+123456789', 'New York, USA'), ('Elon Musk', '', '+123456789', 'Floria, USA'), ('Will Smith', '', '+123456789', 'California, USA')

  - ![image](
  - 5min
- Nuget Package
  - System.Data.SqlClient
  - 7min
- ASP.NET Core Basic Web UI
  - ![image](
- Create Client/Index.cshtml.cs (razor Page)
  - Data Souce 얻기
    - ![image](
    - ![image](
  - add appsettings.json
  - add index.cshtml.cs
  - 28min
  - add index.cshtml
  - add empty table
  - ![image](
  - 33min
- Add Table
  - ![image](
  - 43min
- all CRUD
  - 94min
SAgiKPJH commented 1 day ago
