The project aims to simplify the usage of ECC curve (curve25519) with Diffie-Hellman Key exchange. The work is inline with the Account Aggregator Specification.
hi @vishwa-vyom ,
is it mandatory to pass DHPublicKey expiry time in "2020-09-23T10:53:28.100Z" formate only .
because we are receiving expiry time from other party while FI Fetch is in the format of "2020-09-23T10:53:28.100+0000".
as per UTC format both are true. so are we accepting both or only Z.
we are getting below error while passing "2020-09-23T10:53:28.100+0000".
hi @vishwa-vyom , is it mandatory to pass DHPublicKey expiry time in "2020-09-23T10:53:28.100Z" formate only . because we are receiving expiry time from other party while FI Fetch is in the format of "2020-09-23T10:53:28.100+0000". as per UTC format both are true. so are we accepting both or only Z.
we are getting below error while passing "2020-09-23T10:53:28.100+0000".