Sanmeet-EWU / github-teams-project-bid-uwultimate-stardust-crusaders

github-teams-project-bid-uwultimate-stardust-crusaders created by GitHub Classroom
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A GUI application that uses nmap, National Vulnerability Database, and PyQt6 and a custom pen-testing class to check default credentials.

The source code for this is located under the src file.

A docker-compose orchestration with instructions for a testing environment is under Eric section called


Please download the neccesary files with the pipfile folder.

Once everything is successfull installed

Run sudo python3 in the src folder.

Please notate this is for mac. If on Windows please run as administrator.


We were unable to get the docker orchestration to work and write test to run with this.

File Structure

Other than src each file structure holds work for assignments that may or may not be completed. This was used as a file sharing system to colloborate on power points and other deliverable items


Usage of the gui takes you to three windows.

You must first scan a subnet in order to populate the graph.
Under the IP scan tab type in the ip and the subnet mask and click scan.

Next you can click on the network topology tab.


Eric Leachman
Will Reese
Alexa Darrington
Dennis Vinnikov
Lewis Thomas

Environment Setup (Recommended)

  1. Ensure python 3.9+ is installed and install pipenv. Ex. py -m pip install pipenv
  2. Clone this repository, navigate to the src folder and create a new developer virtual environment. Ex. pipenv install --dev
    1. If the above step fails, ensure that your python binary is set as an environment variable in your PATH, for more info see:
  3. Reload your IDE or text editor and ensure that your virtual environment is set.
    1. For example, in VS Code see: for more information on how to set your environment.
    2. For help with other IDEs and text editors, look up how to set your virtual environment on your search engine of choice.
    3. Alternatively, run the command "pipenv shell" and then run through terminal as you would regularly. Ex. python ./
  4. If any alternative issues are encountered, feel free to reach out at for help troubleshooting.