Saskia-Oosterbroek / decona

fastq to polished sequenses: pipeline suitable for mixed samples and long (Nanopore) reads
MIT License
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any plans on updating this to work with new medaka versions and models? #31

Open Kirk3gaard opened 2 years ago

Kirk3gaard commented 2 years ago


Do you have any plans on updating this to work with new medaka versions and models?

Best regards Rasmus

Saskia-Oosterbroek commented 2 years ago

Hello Rasmus, Yes, I definitely am! I am currently working on some improvements again and hope to have everything updated in a few weeks.

Best, Saskia

Kirk3gaard commented 2 years ago

Hi Saskia Cool that sounds great. I think your approach is really useful for a lot of people that are sceptical about the accuracy of ONT amplicons. Some are really keen on getting back to "ASVs". Best regards Rasmus