SatelliteQE / satellite-populate

This new module adds tools and commands to populate and validate entities in the system based in YAML file.
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Update coverage to 4.3.2 #21

Closed pyup-bot closed 7 years ago

pyup-bot commented 7 years ago

There's a new version of coverage available. You are currently using 4.3.1. I have updated it to 4.3.2

These links might come in handy: PyPI | Changelog | Docs



  • Using the --skip-covered option on an HTML report with 100% coverage would cause a "No data to report" error, as reported in issue 549_. This is now fixed; thanks, Loïc Dachary.

  • If-statements can be optimized away during compilation, for example, if 0: or if __debug__:. had problems properly understanding these statements which existed in the source, but not in the compiled bytecode. This problem, reported in issue 522_, is now fixed.

  • If you specified --source as a directory, then would look for importable Python files in that directory, and could identify ones that had never been executed at all. But if you specified it as a package name, that detection wasn't performed. Now it is, closing issue 426_. Thanks to Loïc Dachary for the fix.

  • If you started and stopped coverage measurement thousands of times in your process, you could crash Python with a "Fatal Python error: deallocating None" error. This is now fixed. Thanks to Alex Groce for the bug report.

  • On PyPy, measuring coverage in subprocesses could produce a warning: "Trace function changed, measurement is likely wrong: None". This was spurious, and has been suppressed.

  • Previously, couldn't start on Jython, due to that implementation missing the multiprocessing module (issue 551). This problem has now been fixed. Also, issue 322 about not being able to invoke coverage conveniently, seems much better: jython -m coverage run works properly.

  • Let's say you ran the HTML report over and over again in the same output directory, with --skip-covered. And imagine due to your heroic test-writing efforts, a file just acheived the goal of 100% coverage. With 4.3, the old HTML file with the less-than-100% coverage would be left behind. This file is now properly deleted.

.. _issue 322: .. _issue 426: .. _issue 522: .. _issue 549: .. _issue 551:

.. _changes_431:

Got merge conflicts? Close this PR and delete the branch. I'll create a new PR for you.

Happy merging! 🤖