SatelliteQE / satellite-populate

This new module adds tools and commands to populate and validate entities in the system based in YAML file.
8 stars 10 forks source link

Initial Update #5

Closed pyup-bot closed 7 years ago

pyup-bot commented 7 years ago

This is my first visit to this fine repo so I have bundled all updates in a single pull request to make things easier for you to merge.

Close this pull request and delete the branch if you want me to start with single pull requests right away

Here's the executive summary:


Here's a list of all the updates bundled in this pull request. I've added some links to make it easier for you to find all the information you need.

coverage 4.1 » 4.3.1 PyPI | Changelog | Docs
PyYAML 3.11 » 3.12 PyPI | Homepage
pip 8.1.2 » 9.0.1 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
cryptography 1.7 » 1.7.1 PyPI | Changelog | Repo
Sphinx 1.4.8 » 1.5.1 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
pytest 2.9.2 » 3.0.5 PyPI | Changelog | Homepage
flake8 2.6.0 » 3.2.1 PyPI | Repo
tox 2.3.1 » 2.5.0 PyPI | Changelog | Docs


coverage 4.1 -> 4.3.1


  • Some environments couldn't install 4.3, as described in issue 540_. This is now fixed.

  • The check for conflicting --source and --include was too simple in a few different ways, breaking a few perfectly reasonable use cases, described in issue 541. The check has been reverted while we re-think the fix for issue 265.

.. _issue 540: .. _issue 541:


  • Subprocesses that are measured with automatic subprocess measurement used to read in any pre-existing data file. This meant data would be incorrectly carried forward from run to run. Now those files are not read, so each subprocess only writes its own data. Fixes issue 510.

  • The coverage combine command will now fail if there are no data files to combine. The combine changes in 4.2 meant that multiple combines could lose data, leaving you with an empty .coverage data file. Fixes issues issue 525, issue 412, issue 516, and probably issue 511.

  • wouldn't execute sys.excepthook when an exception happened in your program. Now it does, thanks to Andrew Hoos. Closes issue 535.

.. _sys.excepthook:

  • Branch coverage fixes:

    • Branch coverage could misunderstand a finally clause on a try block that never continued on to the following statement, as described in issue 493_. This is now fixed. Thanks to Joe Doherty for the report and Loïc Dachary for the fix.

    • A while loop with a constant condition (while True) and a continue statement would be mis-analyzed, as described in issue 496_. This is now fixed, thanks to a bug report by Eli Skeggs and a fix by Loïc Dachary.

    • While loops with constant conditions that were never executed could result in a non-zero coverage report. Artem Dayneko reported this in issue 502_, and Loïc Dachary provided the fix.

  • The HTML report now supports a --skip-covered option like the other reporting commands. Thanks, Loïc Dachary for the implementation, closing issue 433_.

  • Options can now be read from a tox.ini file, if any. Like setup.cfg, sections are prefixed with "coverage:", so [run] options will be read from the [coverage:run] section of tox.ini. Implements part of issue 519_. Thanks, Stephen Finucane.

  • Specifying both --source and --include no longer silently ignores the include setting, instead it fails with a message. Thanks, Nathan Land and Loïc Dachary. Closes issue 265_.

  • The Coverage.combine method has a new parameter, strict=False, to support failing if there are no data files to combine.

  • When forking subprocesses, the coverage data files would have the same random number appended to the file name. This didn't cause problems, because the file names had the process id also, making collisions (nearly) impossible. But it was disconcerting. This is now fixed.

  • The text report now properly sizes headers when skipping some files, fixing issue 524_. Thanks, Anthony Sottile and Loïc Dachary.

  • can now search .pex files for source, just as it can .zip and .egg. Thanks, Peter Ebden.

  • Data files are now about 15% smaller.

  • Improvements in the [run] debug setting:

    • The "dataio" debug setting now also logs when data files are deleted during combining or erasing.

    • A new debug option, "multiproc", for logging the behavior of concurrency=multiprocessing.

    • If you used the debug options "config" and "callers" together, you'd get a call stack printed for every line in the multi-line config output. This is now fixed.

  • Fixed an unusual bug involving multiple coding declarations affecting code containing code in multi-line strings: issue 529_.

  • will no longer be misled into thinking that a plain file is a package when interpreting --source options. Thanks, Cosimo Lupo.

  • If you try to run a non-Python file with, you will now get a more useful error message. Issue 514_.

  • The default pragma regex changed slightly, but this will only matter to you if you are deranged and use mixed-case pragmas.

  • Deal properly with non-ASCII file names in an ASCII-only world, issue 533_.

  • Programs that set Unicode configuration values could cause UnicodeErrors when generating HTML reports. Pytest-cov is one example. This is now fixed.

  • Prevented deprecation warnings from configparser that happened in some circumstances, closing issue 530_.

  • Corrected the name of the library. Thanks, Ben Finney. Closes issue 505_.

  • Testing against PyPy 5.6 and PyPy3 5.5.

  • Switched to pytest from nose for running the tests.

  • Renamed AUTHORS.txt to CONTRIBUTORS.txt, since there are other ways to contribute than by writing code. Also put the count of contributors into the author string in, though this might be too cute.

.. _issue 265: .. _issue 412: .. _issue 433: .. _issue 493: .. _issue 496: .. _issue 502: .. _issue 505: .. _issue 514: .. _issue 510: .. _issue 511: .. _issue 516: .. _issue 519: .. _issue 524: .. _issue 525: .. _issue 529: .. _issue 530: .. _issue 533: .. _issue 535:


  • Since concurrency=multiprocessing uses subprocesses, options specified on the command line will not be communicated down to them. Only options in the configuration file will apply to the subprocesses. Previously, the options didn't apply to the subprocesses, but there was no indication. Now it is an error to use --concurrency=multiprocessing and other run-affecting options on the command line. This prevents failures like those reported in issue 495_.

  • Filtering the HTML report is now faster, thanks to Ville Skyttä.

.. _issue 495:


Work from the PyCon 2016 Sprints!

  • BACKWARD INCOMPATIBILITY: the coverage combine command now ignores an existing .coverage data file. It used to include that file in its combining. This caused confusing results, and extra tox "clean" steps. If you want the old behavior, use the new coverage combine --append option.

  • The concurrency option can now take multiple values, to support programs using multiprocessing and another library such as eventlet. This is only possible in the configuration file, not from the command line. The configuration file is the only way for sub-processes to all run with the same options. Fixes issue 484_. Thanks to Josh Williams for prototyping.

  • Using a concurrency setting of multiprocessing now implies --parallel so that the main program is measured similarly to the sub-processes.

  • When using automatic subprocess measurement, running coverage commands would create spurious data files. This is now fixed, thanks to diagnosis and testing by Dan Riti. Closes issue 492.

  • A new configuration option, report:sort, controls what column of the text report is used to sort the rows. Thanks to Dan Wandschneider, this closes issue 199_.

  • The HTML report has a more-visible indicator for which column is being sorted. Closes issue 298_, thanks to Josh Williams.

  • If the HTML report cannot find the source for a file, the message now suggests using the -i flag to allow the report to continue. Closes issue 231_, thanks, Nathan Land.

  • When reports are ignoring errors, there's now a warning if a file cannot be parsed, rather than being silently ignored. Closes issue 396_. Thanks, Matthew Boehm.

  • A new option for coverage debug is available: coverage debug config shows the current configuration. Closes issue 454_, thanks to Matthew Boehm.

  • Running coverage as a module (python -m coverage) no longer shows the program name as Fixes issue 478_. Thanks, Scott Belden.

  • The test_helpers module has been moved into a separate pip-installable package: unittest-mixins_.

.. _automatic subprocess measurement: .. _issue 199: .. _issue 231: .. _issue 298: .. _issue 396: .. _issue 454: .. _issue 478: .. _issue 484: .. _issue 492: .. _unittest-mixins:

pip 8.1.2 -> 9.0.1


  • Correct the deprecation message when not specifying a --format so that it uses the correct setting name (format) rather than the incorrect one (list_format) (:issue:4058).

  • Fix pip check to check all available distributions and not just the local ones (:issue:4083).

  • Fix a crash on non ASCII characters from lsb_release (:issue:4062).

  • Fix an SyntaxError in an an used module of a vendored dependency (:issue:4059).

  • Fix UNC paths on Windows (:issue:4064).


  • BACKWARD INCOMPATIBLE Remove the attempted autodetection of requirement names from URLs, URLs must include a name via egg=.

  • DEPRECATION pip install --egg have been deprecated and will be removed in the future. This "feature" has a long list of drawbacks which break nearly all of pip's other features in subtle and hard-to-diagnose ways.

  • DEPRECATION --default-vcs option (:issue:4052).

  • WARNING pip 9 cache can break forward compatibility with previous pip versions if your package repository allows chunked responses (:issue:4078).

  • Add a pip check command to check installed packages dependencies (:pull:3750).

  • Add option allowing user to abort pip operation if file/directory exists

  • Add Appveyor CI

  • Uninstall existing packages when performing an editable installation of the same packages (:issue:1548).

  • pip show is less verbose by default. --verbose prints multiline fields. (:pull:3858).

  • Add optional column formatting to pip list (:issue:3651).

  • Add --not-required option to pip list, which lists packages that are not dependencies of other packages.

  • Fix builds on systems with symlinked /tmp directory for custom builds such as numpy (:pull:3701).

  • Fix regression in pip freeze: when there is more than one git remote, priority is given to the remote named origin (:pull:3708, :issue:3616).

  • Fix crash when calling pip freeze with invalid requirement installed (:pull:3704, :issue:3681).

  • Allow multiple --requirement files in pip freeze (:pull:3703).

  • Implementation of pep-503 data-requires-python. When this field is present for a release link, pip will ignore the download when installing to a Python version that doesn't satisfy the requirement.

  • pip wheel now works on editable packages too (it was only working on editable dependencies before); this allows running pip wheel on the result of pip freeze in presence of editable requirements (:pull:3695, :issue:3291).

  • Load credentials from .netrc files (:pull:3715, :issue:3569).

  • Add --platform, --python-version, --implementation and --abi parameters to pip download. These allow utilities and advanced users to gather distributions for interpreters other than the one pip is being run on. (:pull:3760)

  • Skip scanning virtual environments, even when venv/bin/python is a dangling symlink.

  • Added pip completion support for the fish shell.

  • Fix problems on Windows on Python 2 when username or hostname contains non-ASCII characters (:issue:3463, :pull:3970, :pull:4000).

  • Use git fetch --tags to fetch tags in addition to everything else that is normally fetched; this is necessary in case a git requirement url points to a tag or commit that is not on a branch (:pull:3791)

  • Normalize package names before using in pip show (:issue:3976)

  • Raise when Requires-Python do not match the running version and add --ignore-requires-python option as escape hatch (:pull:3846).

  • Report the correct installed version when performing an upgrade in some corner cases (:issue:2382)

  • Add -i shorthand for --index flag in pip search

  • Do not optionally load C dependencies in requests (:issue:1840, :issue:2930, :issue:3024)

  • Strip authentication from SVN url prior to passing it to svn (:pull:3697, :issue:3209).

  • Also install in platlib with --target option (:pull:3694, :issue:3682).

  • Restore the ability to use inline comments in requirements files passed to pip freeze (:issue:3680).

cryptography 1.7 -> 1.7.1


* Fixed a regression in ``int_from_bytes`` where it failed to accept

Sphinx 1.4.8 -> 1.5.1



Features added

  • 3214: Allow to suppress "unknown mimetype" warnings from epub builder using :confval:suppress_warnings.

Bugs fixed

  • 3195: Can not build in parallel
  • 3198: AttributeError is raised when toctree has 'self'
  • 3211: Remove untranslated sphinx locale catalogs (it was covered by untranslated it_IT)
  • 3212: HTML Builders crashes with docutils-0.13
  • 3207: more latex problems with references inside parsed-literal directive (\DUrole)
  • 3205: sphinx.util.requests crashes with old pyOpenSSL (< 0.14)
  • 3220: KeyError when having a duplicate citation
  • 3200: LaTeX: xref inside desc_name not allowed
  • 3228: build_sphinx command crashes when missing dependency
  • 2469: Ignore updates of catalog files for gettext builder. Thanks to Hiroshi Ohkubo.
  • 3183: Randomized jump box order in generated index page.


  • 3069: Even if &#39;babel&#39; key is set to empty string, LaTeX output contains one \addto\captions...
  • 3123: user &#39;babel&#39; key setting is not obeyed anymore
  • 3155: Fix JavaScript for html_sourcelink_suffix fails with IE and Opera
  • 3085: keep current directory after breaking build documentation. Thanks to Timotheus Kampik.
  • 3181: pLaTeX crashes with a section contains endash
  • 3180: latex: add stretch/shrink between successive singleline or multipleline cpp signatures (ref 3072)
  • 3128: globing images does not support .svgz file
  • 3015: fix a broken test on Windows.
  • 1843: Fix documentation of descriptor classes that have a custom metaclass. Thanks to Erik Bray.
  • 3190: util.split_docinfo fails to parse multi-line field bodies
  • 3024, 3037: In Python3, application.Sphinx._log crushed when the log message cannot be encoded into console encoding.


  • To simplify, sphinx uses external mock package even if unittest.mock exists.


  • 2432: Fix unwanted * between varargs and keyword only args. Thanks to Alex Grönholm.
  • 3062: Failed to build PDF using 1.5a2 (undefined \hypersetup for Japanese documents since PR3030)
  • Better rendering of multiline signatures in html.
  • 777: LaTeX output "too deeply nested" (ref 3096)
  • Let LaTeX image inclusion obey scale before textwidth fit (ref 2865, 3059)
  • 3019: LaTeX fails on description of C function with arguments (ref 3083)
  • fix latex inline literals where &lt; &gt; - gobbled a space


  • 2810: Problems with pdflatex in an Italian document
  • Use latex_elements.papersize to specify papersize of LaTeX in Makefile
  • 2988: linkcheck: retry with GET request if denied HEAD request
  • 2990: linkcheck raises "Can't convert 'bytes' object to str implicitly" error if linkcheck_anchors enabled
  • 3004: Invalid link types "top" and "up" are used
  • 3009: Bad rendering of parsed-literals in LaTeX since Sphinx 1.4.4
  • 3000: option directive generates invalid HTML anchors
  • 2984: Invalid HTML has been generated if html_split_index enabled
  • 2986: themes/basic/defindex.html should be changed for html5 friendly
  • 2987: Invalid HTML has been generated if multiple IDs are assigned to a list
  • 2891: HTML search does not provide all the results
  • 1986: Title in PDF Output
  • 147: Problem with latex chapter style
  • 3018: LaTeX problem with page layout dimensions and chapter titles
  • Fix an issue with \pysigline in LaTeX style file (ref 3023)
  • 3038: sphinx.ext.math* raises TypeError if labels are duplicated
  • 3031: incompatibility with LaTeX package tocloft
  • 3003: literal blocks in footnotes are not supported by Latex
  • 3047: spacing before footnote in pdf output is not coherent and allows breaks
  • 3045: HTML search index creator should ignore "raw" content if now html
  • 3039: English stemmer returns wrong word if the word is capitalized
  • Fix make-mode Makefile template (ref 3056, 2936)


  • 2707: (latex) the column width is badly computed for tabular
  • 2799: Sphinx installs roles and directives automatically on importing sphinx module. Now Sphinx installs them on running application.
  • sphinx.ext.autodoc crashes if target code imports * from mock modules by autodoc_mock_imports.
  • 1953: Sphinx.add_node does not add handlers the translator installed by html_translator_class
  • 1797: text builder inserts blank line on top
  • 2894: quickstart main() doesn't use argv argument
  • 2874: gettext builder could not extract all text under the only directives
  • 2485: autosummary crashes with multiple source_suffix values
  • 1734: Could not translate the caption of toctree directive
  • Could not translate the content of meta directive (ref: 1734)
  • 2550: external links are opened in help viewer
  • 2687: Running Sphinx multiple times produces 'already registered' warnings



Bugs fixed

  • 2936: Fix doc/Makefile that can't build man because doc/man exists
  • 3058: Using the same 'caption' attribute in multiple 'toctree' directives results in warning / error
  • 3068: Allow the '=' character in the -D option of
  • 3074: add_source_parser() crashes in debug mode
  • 3135: sphinx.ext.autodoc crashes with plain Callable
  • 3150: Fix query word splitter in JavaScript. It behaves as same as Python's regular expression.
  • 3093: gettext build broken on substituted images.
  • 3093: gettext build broken on image node under note directive.
  • imgmath: crashes on showing error messages if image generation failed
  • 3117: LaTeX writer crashes if admonition is placed before first section title
  • 3164: Change search order of sphinx.ext.inheritance_diagram

pytest 2.9.2 -> 3.0.5



  • Add warning when not passing option=value correctly to -o/--override-ini (2105). Also improved the help documentation. Thanks to mbukatov for the report and lwm_ for the PR.

  • Now --confcutdir and --junit-xml are properly validated if they are directories and filenames, respectively (2089 and 2078). Thanks to lwm_ for the PR.

  • Add hint to error message hinting possible missing (478). Thanks DuncanBetts.

  • More accurately describe when fixture finalization occurs in documentation (687). Thanks DuncanBetts.

  • Provide :ref: targets for recwarn.rst so we can use intersphinx referencing. Thanks to dupuy for the report and lwm for the PR.

  • In Python 2, use a simple +- ASCII string in the string representation of pytest.approx (for example &quot;4 +- 4.0e-06&quot;) because it is brittle to handle that in different contexts and representations internally in pytest which can result in bugs such as 2111. In Python 3, the representation still uses ± (for example 4 ± 4.0e-06). Thanks kerrick-lyft for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Using item.Function, item.Module, etc., is now issuing deprecation warnings, prefer pytest.Function, pytest.Module, etc., instead (2034). Thanks nmundar for the PR.

  • Fix error message using approx with complex numbers (2082). Thanks adler-j for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Fixed false-positives warnings from assertion rewrite hook for modules imported more than once by the pytest_plugins mechanism. Thanks nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Remove an internal cache which could cause hooks from files in sub-directories to be called in other directories incorrectly (2016). Thanks d-b-w for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Remove internal code meant to support earlier Python 3 versions that produced the side effect of leaving None in sys.modules when expressions were evaluated by pytest (for example passing a condition as a string to pytest.mark.skipif)(2103). Thanks jaraco for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Cope gracefully with a .pyc file with no matching .py file (2038). Thanks nedbat.

.. _adler-j: .. _d-b-w: .. _DuncanBetts: .. _dupuy: .. _kerrick-lyft: .. _lwm: .. _mbukatov: .. _nedbat: .. _nmundar:

.. _2016: .. _2034: .. _2038: .. _2078: .. _2082: .. _2089: .. _2103: .. _2105: .. _2111: .. _478: .. _687:



  • Import errors when collecting test modules now display the full traceback (1976). Thanks cwitty for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Fix confusing command-line help message for custom options with two or more metavar properties (2004). Thanks okulynyak and davehunt for the report and nicoddemus for the PR.

  • When loading plugins, import errors which contain non-ascii messages are now properly handled in Python 2 (1998). Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.

  • Fixed cyclic reference when pytest.raises is used in context-manager form (1965_). Also as a result of this fix, sys.exc_info() is left empty in both context-manager and function call usages. Previously, sys.exc_info would contain the exception caught by the context manager, even when the expected exception occurred. Thanks MSeifert04_ for the report and the PR.

  • Fixed false-positives warnings from assertion rewrite hook for modules that were rewritten but were later marked explicitly by pytest.register_assert_rewrite or implicitly as a plugin (2005). Thanks RonnyPfannschmidt for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Report teardown output on test failure (442). Thanks matclab for the PR.

  • Fix teardown error message in generated xUnit XML. Thanks gdyuldin_ for the PR.

  • Properly handle exceptions in multiprocessing tasks (1984). Thanks adborden for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Clean up unittest TestCase objects after tests are complete (1649_). Thanks d_b_w_ for the report and PR.

.. _adborden: .. _cwitty: .. _d_b_w: .. _gdyuldin: .. _matclab: .. _MSeifert04: .. _okulynyak:

.. _442: .. _1965: .. _1976: .. _1984: .. _1998: .. _2004: .. _2005: .. _1649:



  • The ids argument to parametrize again accepts unicode strings in Python 2 (1905). Thanks philpep for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Assertions are now being rewritten for plugins in development mode (pip install -e) (1934). Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.

  • Fix pkgresources import error in Jython projects (1853). Thanks raquel-ucl_ for the PR.

  • Got rid of AttributeError: &#39;Module&#39; object has no attribute &#39;_obj&#39; exception in Python 3 (1944). Thanks axil for the PR.

  • Explain a bad scope value passed to fixture declarations or a MetaFunc.parametrize() call. Thanks tgoodlet_ for the PR.

  • This version includes pluggy-0.4.0, which correctly handles VersionConflict errors in plugins (704). Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.

.. _philpep: .. _raquel-ucl: .. _axil: .. _tgoodlet:

.. _1853: .. _1905: .. _1934: .. _1944: .. _704:



  • Improve error message when passing non-string ids to pytest.mark.parametrize (1857). Thanks okken for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Add buffer attribute to stdin stub class pytest.capture.DontReadFromInput Thanks joguSD_ for the PR.

  • Fix UnicodeEncodeError when string comparison with unicode has failed. (1864) Thanks AiOO for the PR.

  • pytest_plugins is now handled correctly if defined as a string (as opposed as a sequence of strings) when modules are considered for assertion rewriting. Due to this bug, much more modules were being rewritten than necessary if a test suite uses pytest_plugins to load internal plugins (1888). Thanks jaraco for the report and nicoddemus for the PR (1891).

  • Do not call tearDown and cleanups when running tests from unittest.TestCase subclasses with --pdb enabled. This allows proper post mortem debugging for all applications which have significant logic in their tearDown machinery (1890). Thanks mbyt for the PR.

  • Fix use of deprecated getfuncargvalue method in the internal doctest plugin. Thanks ViviCoder for the report (1898).

.. _joguSD: .. _AiOO: .. _mbyt: .. _ViviCoder:

.. _1857: .. _1864: .. _1888: .. _1891: .. _1890: .. _1898:



  • Fix regression when importorskip is used at module level (1822). Thanks jaraco and The-Compiler for the report and nicoddemus for the PR.

  • Fix parametrization scope when session fixtures are used in conjunction with normal parameters in the same call (1832). Thanks The-Compiler for the report, Kingdread and nicoddemus for the PR.

  • Fix internal error when parametrizing tests or fixtures using an empty ids argument (1849). Thanks OPpuolitaival for the report and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Fix loader error when running pytest embedded in a zipfile. Thanks mbachry_ for the PR.

.. _Kingdread: .. _mbachry: .. _OPpuolitaival:

.. _1822: .. _1832: .. _1849:



Incompatible changes

A number of incompatible changes were made in this release, with the intent of removing features deprecated for a long time or change existing behaviors in order to make them less surprising/more useful.

  • Reinterpretation mode has now been removed. Only plain and rewrite mode are available, consequently the --assert=reinterp option is no longer available. This also means files imported from plugins or will not benefit from improved assertions by default, you should use pytest.register_assert_rewrite() to explicitly turn on assertion rewriting for those files. Thanks flub_ for the PR.

  • The following deprecated commandline options were removed:

    • --genscript: no longer supported;
    • --no-assert: use --assert=plain instead;
    • --nomagic: use --assert=plain instead;
    • --report: use -r instead;

    Thanks to RedBeardCode for the PR (1664).

  • ImportErrors in plugins now are a fatal error instead of issuing a pytest warning (1479). Thanks to The-Compiler for the PR.

  • Removed support code for Python 3 versions < 3.3 (1627_).

  • Removed all py.test-X* entry points. The versioned, suffixed entry points were never documented and a leftover from a pre-virtualenv era. These entry points also created broken entry points in wheels, so removing them also removes a source of confusion for users (1632). Thanks obestwalter for the PR.

  • pytest.skip() now raises an error when used to decorate a test function, as opposed to its original intent (to imperatively skip a test inside a test function). Previously this usage would cause the entire module to be skipped (607). Thanks omarkohl for the complete PR (1519_).

  • Exit tests if a collection error occurs. A poll indicated most users will hit CTRL-C anyway as soon as they see collection errors, so pytest might as well make that the default behavior (1421). A --continue-on-collection-errors option has been added to restore the previous behaviour. Thanks olegpidsadnyi and omarkohl for the complete PR (1628).

  • Renamed the pytest pdb module (plugin) into debugging to avoid clashes with the builtin pdb module.

  • Raise a helpful failure message when requesting a parametrized fixture at runtime, e.g. with request.getfixturevalue. Previously these parameters were simply never defined, so a fixture decorated like pytest.fixture(params=[0, 1, 2]) only ran once (460). Thanks to nikratio for the bug report, RedBeardCode and tomviner for the PR.

  • _pytest.monkeypatch.monkeypatch class has been renamed to _pytest.monkeypatch.MonkeyPatch so it doesn't conflict with the monkeypatch fixture.

  • --exitfirst / -x can now be overridden by a following --maxfail=N and is just a synonym for --maxfail=1.

New Features

  • Support nose-style __test__ attribute on methods of classes, including unittest-style Classes. If set to False, the test will not be collected.

  • New doctest_namespace fixture for injecting names into the namespace in which doctests run. Thanks milliams for the complete PR (1428).

  • New --doctest-report option available to change the output format of diffs when running (failing) doctests (implements 1749). Thanks hartym for the PR.

  • New name argument to pytest.fixture decorator which allows a custom name for a fixture (to solve the funcarg-shadowing-fixture problem). Thanks novas0x2a for the complete PR (1444).

  • New approx() function for easily comparing floating-point numbers in tests. Thanks kalekundert for the complete PR (1441).

  • Ability to add global properties in the final xunit output file by accessing the internal junitxml plugin (experimental). Thanks tareqalayan for the complete PR 1454).

  • New ExceptionInfo.match() method to match a regular expression on the string representation of an exception (372). Thanks omarkohl for the complete PR (1502_).

  • __tracebackhide__ can now also be set to a callable which then can decide whether to filter the traceback based on the ExceptionInfo object passed to it. Thanks The-Compiler for the complete PR (1526).

  • New pytest_make_parametrize_id(config, val) hook which can be used by plugins to provide friendly strings for custom types. Thanks palaviv_ for the PR.

  • capsys and capfd now have a disabled() context-manager method, which can be used to temporarily disable capture within a test. Thanks nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • New cli flag --fixtures-per-test: shows which fixtures are being used for each selected test item. Features doc strings of fixtures by default. Can also show where fixtures are defined if combined with -v. Thanks hackebrot_ for the PR.

  • Introduce pytest command as recommended entry point. Note that py.test still works and is not scheduled for removal. Closes proposal 1629. Thanks obestwalter and davehunt for the complete PR (1633).

  • New cli flags:

    • --setup-plan: performs normal collection and reports the potential setup and teardown and does not execute any fixtures and tests;
    • --setup-only: performs normal collection, executes setup and teardown of fixtures and reports them;
    • --setup-show: performs normal test execution and additionally shows setup and teardown of fixtures;
    • --keep-duplicates: py.test now ignores duplicated paths given in the command line. To retain the previous behavior where the same test could be run multiple times by specifying it in the command-line multiple times, pass the --keep-duplicates argument (1609_);

    Thanks d6e, kvas-it, sallner, ioggstream and omarkohl_ for the PRs.

  • New CLI flag --override-ini/-o: overrides values from the ini file. For example: &quot;-o xfail_strict=True&quot;'. Thanks blueyed and fengxx for the PR.

  • New hooks:

    • pytest_fixture_setup(fixturedef, request): executes fixture setup;
    • pytest_fixture_post_finalizer(fixturedef): called after the fixture's finalizer and has access to the fixture's result cache.

    Thanks d6e, sallner.

  • Issue warnings for asserts whose test is a tuple literal. Such asserts will never fail because tuples are always truthy and are usually a mistake (see 1562). Thanks kvas-it, for the PR.

  • Allow passing a custom debugger class (e.g. --pdbcls=IPython.core.debugger:Pdb). Thanks to anntzer_ for the PR.


  • Plugins now benefit from assertion rewriting. Thanks sober7, nicoddemus and flub_ for the PR.

  • Change report.outcome for xpassed tests to &quot;passed&quot; in non-strict mode and &quot;failed&quot; in strict mode. Thanks to hackebrot for the PR (1795) and gprasad84 for report (1546).

  • Tests marked with xfail(strict=False) (the default) now appear in JUnitXML reports as passing tests instead of skipped. Thanks to hackebrot for the PR (1795).

  • Highlight path of the file location in the error report to make it easier to copy/paste. Thanks suzaku for the PR (1778).

  • Fixtures marked with pytest.fixture can now use yield statements exactly like those marked with the pytest.yield_fixture decorator. This change renders pytest.yield_fixture deprecated and makes pytest.fixture with yield statements the preferred way to write teardown code (1461). Thanks csaftoiu for bringing this to attention and nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • Explicitly passed parametrize ids do not get escaped to ascii (1351). Thanks ceridwen for the PR.

  • Fixtures are now sorted in the error message displayed when an unknown fixture is declared in a test function. Thanks nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • pytest_terminal_summary hook now receives the exitstatus of the test session as argument. Thanks blueyed for the PR (1809).

  • Parametrize ids can accept None as specific test id, in which case the automatically generated id for that argument will be used. Thanks palaviv for the complete PR (1468).

  • The parameter to xunit-style setup/teardown methods (setup_method, setup_module, etc.) is now optional and may be omitted. Thanks okken for bringing this to attention and nicoddemus for the PR.

  • Improved automatic id generation selection in case of duplicate ids in parametrize. Thanks palaviv for the complete PR (1474).

  • Now pytest warnings summary is shown up by default. Added a new flag --disable-pytest-warnings to explicitly disable the warnings summary (1668_).

  • Make ImportError during collection more explicit by reminding the user to check the name of the test module/package(s) (1426). Thanks omarkohl for the complete PR (1520_).

  • Add build/ and dist/ to the default --norecursedirs list. Thanks mikofski for the report and tomviner for the PR (1544_).

  • pytest.raises in the context manager form accepts a custom message to raise when no exception occurred. Thanks palaviv for the complete PR (1616).

  • files now benefit from assertion rewriting; previously it was only available for test modules. Thanks flub, sober7 and nicoddemus for the PR (1619).

  • Text documents without any doctests no longer appear as "skipped". Thanks graingert for reporting and providing a full PR (1580).

  • Ensure that a module within a namespace package can be found when it is specified on the command line together with the --pyargs option. Thanks to taschini for the PR (1597).

  • Always include full assertion explanation during assertion rewriting. The previous behaviour was hiding sub-expressions that happened to be False, assuming this was redundant information. Thanks bagerard for reporting (1503). Thanks to davehunt and tomviner for the PR.

  • OptionGroup.addoption() now checks if option names were already added before, to make it easier to track down issues like 1618_. Before, you only got exceptions later from argparse library, giving no clue about the actual reason for double-added options.

  • yield-based tests are considered deprecated and will be removed in pytest-4.0. Thanks nicoddemus_ for the PR.

  • [pytest] sections in setup.cfg files should now be named [tool:pytest] to avoid conflicts with other distutils commands (see 567). [pytest] sections in pytest.ini or tox.ini files are supported and unchanged. Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.

  • Using pytest_funcarg__ prefix to declare fixtures is considered deprecated and will be removed in pytest-4.0 (1684). Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.

  • Passing a command-line string to pytest.main() is considered deprecated and scheduled for removal in pytest-4.0. It is recommended to pass a list of arguments instead (1723_).

  • Rename getfuncargvalue to getfixturevalue. getfuncargvalue is still present but is now considered deprecated. Thanks to RedBeardCode and tomviner for the PR (1626_).

  • optparse type usage now triggers DeprecationWarnings (1740_).

  • optparse backward compatibility supports float/complex types (457_).

  • Refined logic for determining the rootdir, considering only valid paths which fixes a number of issues: 1594, 1435 and 1471. Updated the documentation according to current behavior. Thanks to blueyed, davehunt and matthiasha for the PR.

  • Always include full assertion explanation. The previous behaviour was hiding sub-expressions that happened to be False, assuming this was redundant information. Thanks bagerard for reporting (1503). Thanks to davehunt and tomviner for PR.

  • Better message in case of not using parametrized variable (see 1539). Thanks to tramwaj29 for the PR.

  • Updated docstrings with a more uniform style.

  • Add stderr write for pytest.exit(msg) during startup. Previously the message was never shown. Thanks BeyondEvil for reporting 1210. Thanks to JonathonSonesen and tomviner for the PR.

  • No longer display the incorrect test deselection reason (1372). Thanks ronnypfannschmidt for the PR.

  • The --resultlog command line option has been deprecated: it is little used and there are more modern and better alternatives (see 830). Thanks nicoddemus for the PR.

  • Improve error message with fixture lookup errors: add an 'E' to the first line and '>' to the rest. Fixes 717. Thanks blueyed for reporting and a PR, eolo999 for the initial PR and tomviner for his guidance during EuroPython2016 sprint.

Bug Fixes

  • Parametrize now correctly handles duplicated test ids.

  • Fix internal error issue when the method argument is missing for teardown_method() (1605_).

  • Fix exception visualization in case the current working directory (CWD) gets deleted during testing (1235). Thanks bukzor for reporting. PR by marscher_.

  • Improve test output for logical expression with brackets (925). Thanks DRMacIver for reporting and RedBeardCode_ for the PR.

  • Create correct diff for strings ending with newlines (1553). Thanks Vogtinator for reporting and RedBeardCode and tomviner for the PR.

  • ConftestImportFailure now shows the traceback making it easier to identify bugs in files (1516). Thanks txomon for the PR.

  • Text documents without any doctests no longer appear as "skipped". Thanks graingert for reporting and providing a full PR (1580).

  • Fixed collection of classes with custom __new__ method. Fixes 1579. Thanks to Stranger6667 for the PR.

  • Fixed scope overriding inside metafunc.parametrize (634). Thanks to Stranger6667 for the PR.

  • Fixed the total tests tally in junit xml output (1798). Thanks to cryporchild for the PR.

  • Fixed off-by-one error with lines from request.node.warn. Thanks to blueyed_ for the PR.

.. _1210: .. _1235: .. _1351: .. _1372: .. _1421: .. _1426: .. _1428: .. _1435: .. _1441: .. _1444: .. _1454: .. _1461: .. _1468: .. _1471: .. _1474: .. _1479: .. _1502: .. _1503: .. _1516: .. _1519: .. _1520: .. _1526: .. _1539: .. _1544: .. _1546: .. _1553: .. _1562: .. _1579: .. _1580: .. _1594: .. _1597: .. _1605: .. _1616: .. _1618: .. _1619: .. _1626: .. _1627: .. _1628: .. _1629: .. _1632: .. _1633: .. _1664: .. _1668: .. _1684: .. _1723: .. _1740: .. _1749: .. _1778: .. _1795: .. _1798: .. _1809: .. _372: .. _457: .. _460: .. _567: .. _607: .. _634: .. _717: .. _830: .. _925:

.. _anntzer: .. _bagerard: .. _BeyondEvil: .. _blueyed: .. _ceridwen: .. _cryporchild: .. _csaftoiu: .. _d6e: .. _davehunt: .. _DRMacIver: .. _eolo999: .. _fengxx: .. _flub: .. _gprasad84: .. _graingert: .. _hartym: .. _JonathonSonesen: .. _kalekundert: .. _kvas-it: .. _marscher: .. _mikofski: .. _milliams: .. _nikratio: .. _novas0x2a: .. _obestwalter: .. _okken: .. _olegpidsadnyi: .. _omarkohl: .. _palaviv: .. _RedBeardCode: .. _sallner: .. _sober7: .. _Stranger6667: .. _suzaku: .. _tareqalayan: .. _taschini: .. _tramwaj29: .. _txomon: .. _Vogtinator: .. _matthiasha:

tox 2.3.1 -> 2.5.0


  • slightly backward incompatible: fix issue310: the {posargs} substitution now properly preserves the tox command line positional arguments. Positional arguments with spaces are now properly handled. NOTE: if your tox invocation previously used extra quoting for positional arguments to work around issue310, you need to remove the quoting. Example: tox -- "'some string'" has to now be written simply as tox -- "some string" thanks holger krekel. You can set minversion = 2.5.0 in the [tox] section of tox.ini to make sure people using your tox.ini use the correct version.

  • fix 359: add COMSPEC to default passenv on windows. Thanks anthrotype.

  • add support for py36 and py37 and add py36-dev and py37(nightly) to travis builds of tox. Thanks John Vandenberg.

  • fix 348: add py2 and py3 as default environments pointing to "python2" and "python3" basepython executables. Also fix 347 by updating the list of default envs in the tox basic example. Thanks Tobias McNulty.

  • make "-h" and "--help-ini" options work even if there is no tox.ini, thanks holger krekel.

  • add {:} substitution, which is replaced with os-specific path separator, thanks Lukasz Rogalski.

  • fix 305: downloadcache test env config is now ignored as pip-8 does caching by default. Thanks holger krekel.

  • output from install command in verbose (-vv) mode is now printed to console instead of being redirected to file, thanks Lukasz Rogalski

  • fix 399. Make sure {envtmpdir} is created if it doesn't exist at the start of a testenvironment run. Thanks Manuel Jacob.

  • fix 316: Lack of commands key in ini file is now treated as an error. Reported virtualenv status is 'nothing to do' instead of 'commands succeeded', with relevant error message displayed. Thanks Lukasz Rogalski.


  • fix issue380: properly perform substitution again. Thanks Ian Cordasco.


  • remove PYTHONPATH from environment during the install phase because a tox-run should not have hidden dependencies and the test commands will also not see a PYTHONPATH. If this causes unforeseen problems it may be reverted in a bugfix release. Thanks Jason R. Coombs.

  • fix issue352: prevent a configuration where envdir==toxinidir and refine docs to warn people about changing "envdir". Thanks Oliver Bestwalter and holger krekel.

  • fix issue375, fix issue330: warn against integration as " test" should really just test with the current interpreter. Thanks Ronny Pfannschmidt.

  • fix issue302: allow cross-testenv substitution where we substitute with {x,y} generative syntax. Thanks Andrew Pashkin.

  • fix issue212: allow escaping curly brace chars "{" and "}" if you need the chars "{" and "}" to appear in your commands or other ini values. Thanks John Vandenberg.

  • addresses issue66: add --workdir option to override where tox stores its ".tox" directory and all of the virtualenv environment. Thanks Danring.

  • introduce per-venv list_dependencies_command which defaults to "pip freeze" to obtain the list of installed packages. Thanks Ted Shaw, Holger Krekel.

  • close issue66: add documentation to jenkins page on how to avoid "too long shebang" lines when calling pip from tox. Note that we can not use "python -m pip install X" by default because the latter adds the CWD and pip will think X is installed if it is there.
    "pip install X" does not do that.

  • new list_dependencies_command to influence how tox determines which dependencies are installed in a testenv.

  • (experimental) New feature: When a search for a config file fails, tox tries loading setup.cfg with a section prefix of "tox".

  • fix issue275: Introduce hooks tox_runtest_pre``` and tox_runtest_post`` which run before and after the tests of a venv, respectively. Thanks to Matthew Schinckel and itxaka serrano.

  • fix issue317: evaluate minversion before tox config is parsed completely. Thanks Sachi King for the PR.

  • added the "extras" environment option to specify the extras to use when doing the sdist or develop install. Contributed by Alex Grönholm.

  • use pytest-catchlog instead of pytest-capturelog (latter is not maintained, uses deprecated pytest API)


  • fix issue314: fix command invocation with .py scripts on windows.

  • fix issue279: allow cross-section substitution when the value contains posargs. Thanks Sachi King for the PR.

Once you have closed this pull request, I'll create seperate pull requests for every update as soon as I find them.

That's it for now!

Happy merging! 🤖