ScerIO / PocketMine-MP-Android

⚙️ Run PocketMine-MP server both on your Android device!
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I don't see the server in my friends #150

Open Ph0en1x019 opened 4 years ago

Ph0en1x019 commented 4 years ago

As soon as I go into the PocketMine-MP applications I do it starts and does not come out in the Minecraft friends bar And I write op (....) and it doesn't come out in the bar



SergeShkurko commented 4 years ago

@Ph0en1x019 what version of minecraft?:

Frago9876543210 commented 4 years ago

You should be in the same WiFi network that you PC/console.

Endermanbugzjfc commented 4 years ago

use a localhost ip (del the external server after the motd appear and it will show up in the friend page, use that to join, u can join a localhost server in external server page)

Endermanbugzjfc commented 4 years ago

why no even one person found out this way this should be 99.9% fix with my way, cuz I had this problem too and invented this way

Endermanbugzjfc commented 4 years ago

You should be in the same WiFi network that you PC/console.

that's its why this happen (not in the same network but same device), localhost server sometimes disappears and confuses