SchmockLord / Hackintosh-Intel-i9-10900k-Gigabyte-Z490-Vision-D
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Post your Experience with Release #v4.9 / OC 0.7.0 here #172

Open SchmockLord opened 3 years ago

SchmockLord commented 3 years ago


can anyone who tried my current Release v4.9 with OC 0.7.0 post their experience here?

@jamesfawcett I have seen you like the release. If you already use it, please post your experience here.

g3d commented 3 years ago

@SchmockLord I would check it later today and circle back with feedback.

jamesfawcett commented 3 years ago

Hi @SchmockLord everything worked perfectly!

I saw there's quite a few changes in this version, a lot less settings the config.plist.


I am using a different motherboard, mine is an Aorus Pro z490 but most of your config always works for me. I still use USBinjectAll and I use an older audio setup from one of your old configs so my headphones work.

One thing I noticed with this upgrade in your 20,2 Computing Only is a device change from:

<key>PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x1)/Pci(0x0, 0x0)</key>



Which device is this? I don't have either of those addresses in my system.

Thanks James

SchmockLord commented 3 years ago

@jamesfawcett Thanks. Exactly things like these I wanted to identify. Mistakenly I took the wrong PCI-Address for the 2.5Gbit Ethernet. It still is: PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x1)/Pci(0x0, 0x0)

Fixed that in the current release.

jamesfawcett commented 3 years ago

That's good to know I didn't realise that was the Ethernet. My address is slightly different on the Aurus Pro z490 so I've updated it to match mine PciRoot(0x0)/Pci(0x1C,0x4)/Pci(0x0,0x0)

Thanks for all your hard work!

Cheers James

FredMarjo commented 3 years ago

Hi, Chris I have just installed your EFI 4.9, OC(0.7.0). Everything seems to work fine. The sidecar function is working, for example. In the config file, in plateforminfo/Generic/Rom, there is the following code between the square brackets <11223344 5566>, whereas in the previous version, there was nothing (<>). Once again, congratulations Best wishes, Frédéric

mueex commented 3 years ago

I would also like to share my experience while running of OC 0.7.0 with only a iGPU here: Everything works fine! Thanks Chris for your project and support!

jassingh9 commented 3 years ago

I have not updated since (0.6.5) and just tested 0.70 on Big Sur here are my thoughts:

SchmockLord commented 3 years ago

If 2.5Gbit Ethernet doesn't work, see the note to my current release v5.0.

g3d commented 3 years ago

@SchmockLord my notes on the new release (first impressions):


g3d commented 3 years ago

Discovered problem: audio not working as it should. Having problems with both headphones & regular audio

g3d commented 3 years ago

Audio is working on new release with 0.7.1

Ptitlion commented 2 years ago

Hello, thank you very much for your great work, your help was very precious to install Big Sur with the same hardware configuration as you. I have used OpenCore 0.7.1 and BigSur 11.4. I just want to point out two issues during the installation. I had to set XhciPortLimit to False to continue with the installation of 11.4. (As explained in a note in the OpenCore guide) Also, I am currently only using the iGPU because I don't have a graphics card. I used your "iGPU display output.plist" file. During installation, I had numerous HDMI interruptions. I had to unplug and plug in repeatedly to find the apple image on the screen. I still managed to install the system with patience. But then, every time the system was opened after booting, the HDMI would turn off. I had to unplug and re-plug the cable each time to get the logon image. Then, I modified this line in NVRAM / boot-args: agdpmod=pikera shikigva=80 -lilubetaall keepsyms=1. I replaced it with -wegnoegpu igfxonln=1 igfxfw=2 keepsyms=1. Now HDMI does not turn off, the screen does not turn off. Everything seems perfect now. (I still have to check the correct behavior of the USB) Maybe I forgot some details when I created the EFI or forgot a step, maybe the error came from me, but this comment can help. Thank you again very much