Schwittleymani / ECO

Electronic Chaos Oracle
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Test and Research Question Classification #122

Open schwittlick opened 7 years ago

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

when the input is a question, the reply shouldn't begin with what the input was.

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

some text parser that seems worth checking out. written in java though: here are python implementations of that (jython/jpype):

schwittlick commented 7 years ago
if (sentence ends with question mark || begins with 'how'/'why'):
    if begins with 'how':
        answer with seed 'it is'
    if begins with 'why':
        answer with seed 'because'
schwittlick commented 7 years ago

some more question classification/detection happening here

schwittlick commented 7 years ago

dataset containing 400.000 similar question pairs: 800.000 questions that could be used for training a CNN to detect questions automatically: