SciML / Catalyst.jl

Chemical reaction network and systems biology interface for scientific machine learning (SciML). High performance, GPU-parallelized, and O(1) solvers in open source software.
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Interactive stochastic model GUI #648

Open chris-revell opened 1 year ago

chris-revell commented 1 year ago

Further to conversation on Slack, attaching code for an interactive stochastic reaction GUI. The model involves 3 sets A, B, and C. Single units are introduced into set A, removed from set C, and can be trafficked forwards and backwards between A and B, and B and C. Within each bucket aggregates can be formed by adding single units either to other single units or to existing aggregates formed from a larger number of units. The GUI shows both the stochastic and ODE solutions to the same system.

#  interactiveStochasticCatalyst.jl
# With components adapted from

# Interactive parameters:
# k₁ : ∅->a₁
# k₂ : a₁+aₙ->aₙ₊₁
# k₃ : aₙ->a₁+aₙ₋₁
# k₄ : a₁->b₁
# k₅ : b₁->a₁
# k₆ : b₁+bₙ->bₙ₊₁
# k₇ : bₙ->b₁+bₙ₋₁
# k₈ : b₁->c₁
# k₉ : c₁->b₁
# k₁₀: c₁+cₙ->cₙ₊₁
# k₁₁: cₙ->c₁+cₙ₋₁
# k₁₂: c₁->∅

using DifferentialEquations
using GLMakie
using GeometryBasics
using Catalyst

# Find all possible reactions pairs that result in oligomers with size <= nMax
# Pass symbolic state vectors A, B, and C, and symbolic parameters k and t
function allReactions(nMax,A,B,C,k,t)
    # vector to store the Reactions
    reactions = []
    push!(reactions, Reaction(k[1], nothing, [A[1]]))            # ∅->c₁
    push!(reactions, Reaction(k[2], [A[1]], [A[2]], [2], [1]))   # 2c₁->c₂
    push!(reactions, Reaction(k[3], [A[2]], [A[1]], [1], [2]))   # c₂->2c₁
    for i=2:nMax-1
        push!(reactions, Reaction(k[2], [A[i], A[1]], [A[i+1]])) # c₁+cₙ->cₙ₊₁ for 2<=n<nMax
    for i=3:nMax
        push!(reactions, Reaction(k[3], [A[i]], [A[i-1],A[1]]))  # cₙ->c₁+cₙ₋₁ for 3<=n<=nMax
    push!(reactions, Reaction(k[4], [A[1]], [B[1]]))             # c₁->m₁
    push!(reactions, Reaction(k[5], [B[1]], [A[1]]))             # m₁->c₁

    push!(reactions, Reaction(k[6], [B[1]], [B[2]], [2], [1]))   # 2m₁->m₂
    push!(reactions, Reaction(k[7], [B[2]], [B[1]], [1], [2]))   # m₂->2m₁
    for i=2:nMax-1
        push!(reactions, Reaction(k[6], [B[i],B[1]], [B[i+1]]))  # m₁+mₙ->mₙ₊₁ for 2<=n<nMax
    for i=3:nMax
        push!(reactions, Reaction(k[7], [B[i]], [B[i-1],B[1]]))  # mₙ->m₁+mₙ₋₁ for 3<=n<=2nMax
    push!(reactions, Reaction(k[8], [B[1]], [C[1]]))             # m₁->t₁
    push!(reactions, Reaction(k[9], [C[1]], [B[1]]))             # t₁->m₁

    push!(reactions, Reaction(k[10], [C[1]], [C[2]], [2], [1]))  # 2t₁->t₂
    push!(reactions, Reaction(k[11], [C[2]], [C[1]], [1], [2]))  # t₂->2t₁
    for i=2:nMax-1
        push!(reactions, Reaction(k[10], [C[i],C[1]], [C[i+1]])) # t₁+tₙ->tₙ₊₁ for 2<=n<nMax
    for i=3:nMax
        push!(reactions, Reaction(k[11], [C[i]], [C[i-1],C[1]])) # tₙ->t₁+tₙ₋₁ for 3<=n<=2nMax
    push!(reactions, Reaction(k[12], [C[1]], nothing))           # t₁->∅
    # Set up reaction system object. Collect symbolic state variables into a single vector.
    @named system = ReactionSystem(reactions, t, [collect(A); collect(B); collect(C)], k, combinatoric_ratelaws=false)
    return system

# Function to setup figure
function guiFigureSetup(ksInit)
    # Set up figure canvas
    fig = Figure(resolution=(1700,1500),fontsize=32)
    axA = Axis(fig[1,1], aspect=0.55, ylabel = "Aggregate size")
    axB = Axis(fig[1,2], aspect=0.55, yticksvisible=false)
    axC = Axis(fig[1,3], aspect=0.55, yticksvisible=false)
    # Set up parameter sliders
    parameterSliders = SliderGrid(
        (label="k₁,  ∅ → a₁      " , range=0.0:0.01:1.2, startvalue=ksInit[1], format="{:.2f}"),
        (label="k₂,  a₁+aₙ → aₙ₊₁" , range=0.0:0.01:1.2, startvalue=ksInit[2], format="{:.2f}"),
        (label="k₃,  aₙ → a₁+aₙ₋₁" , range=0.0:0.01:1.2, startvalue=ksInit[3], format="{:.2f}"),
        (label="k₄,  a₁ → b₁     " , range=0.0:0.01:1.2, startvalue=ksInit[4], format="{:.2f}"),
        (label="k₅,  b₁ → a₁     " , range=0.0:0.01:1.2, startvalue=ksInit[5], format="{:.2f}"),
        (label="k₆,  b₁+bₙ → bₙ₊₁" , range=0.0:0.01:1.2, startvalue=ksInit[6], format="{:.2f}"),
        (label="k₇,  bₙ → b₁+bₙ₋₁" , range=0.0:0.01:1.2, startvalue=ksInit[7], format="{:.2f}"),
        (label="k₈,  b₁ → c₁     " , range=0.0:0.01:1.2, startvalue=ksInit[8], format="{:.2f}"),
        (label="k₉,  c₁ → b₁     " , range=0.0:0.01:1.2, startvalue=ksInit[9], format="{:.2f}"),
        (label="k₁₀, c₁+cₙ → cₙ₊₁" , range=0.0:0.01:1.2, startvalue=ksInit[10], format="{:.2f}"),
        (label="k₁₁, cₙ → c₁+cₙ₋₁" , range=0.0:0.01:1.2, startvalue=ksInit[11], format="{:.2f}"),
        (label="k₁₂, c₁ → ∅      " , range=0.0:0.01:1.2, startvalue=ksInit[12], format="{:.2f}");
    # Add stop/start button
    run = Button(fig[2,1]; label = "Start/Stop", tellwidth = false)
    reset = Button(fig[2,2]; label = "Reset", tellwidth = false)
    colsize!(fig.layout, 1, Relative(0.25))
    colsize!(fig.layout, 2, Relative(0.25))
    colsize!(fig.layout, 3, Relative(0.25))
    colsize!(fig.layout, 4, Relative(0.25))
    rowsize!(fig.layout, 1, Aspect(1, 2.0))
    rowsize!(fig.layout, 2, Aspect(1, 0.1))
    return fig, axA, axB, axC, parameterSliders, run, reset

# Function to step system forwards in time and update figure 
function animStep!(integ,dt,axA,axB,axC,aObservable,bObservable,cObservable,nMax)
    # Step integrator forwards in time
    step!(integ, dt, true)
    # Update observables for each plot
    aObservable[] .= integ.u[1:nMax]
    aObservable[] = aObservable[]
    bObservable[] .= integ.u[1+nMax:2*nMax]
    bObservable[] = bObservable[]
    cObservable[] .= integ.u[1+2*nMax:3*nMax]
    cObservable[] = cObservable[]

# Function to reset ODE
function resetODE!(integ,axA,axB,axC,aObservable,bObservable,cObservable,nMax)
    aObservable[] .= integ.u[1:nMax]
    aObservable[] = aObservable[]
    bObservable[] .= integ.u[1+nMax:2*nMax]
    bObservable[] = bObservable[]
    cObservable[] .= integ.u[1+2*nMax:3*nMax]
    cObservable[] = cObservable[]

# Function to reset stochastic integrator 
function resetStoch!(pStoch,u₀MapStoch,nMax,discreteProblem,jumpProblem,integStoch,aObservable,bObservable,cObservable)
    pStoch .= Pair.(collect(k),ksInit)
    # Map symbolic state vector zeros
    u₀MapStoch .= Pair.([collect(A); collect(B); collect(C)], zeros(Int32,3*nMax)) 
    # Reset problem object
    discreteProblem[1]  .= DiscreteProblem(system, u₀MapStoch, (0.0,Inf), pStoch)
    jumpProblem[1]   .= JumpProblem(system, discreteProblem[1], Direct(), save_positions=(false,false)) # Converts system to a set of MassActionJumps
    # Reset integrator object
    integStoch[1] = init(jumpProblem[1], SSAStepper())
    aObservable[] .= integStoch[1].u[1:nMax]
    aObservable[] = aObservable[]
    bObservable[] .= integStoch[1].u[1+nMax:2*nMax]
    bObservable[] = bObservable[]
    cObservable[] .= integStoch[1].u[1+2*nMax:3*nMax]
    cObservable[] = cObservable[]

nMax    = 20           # Max aggregate size
dt      = 100.0          # Time step between GUI visualisation updates
ksInit = [1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0,0.0,1.0,1.0,1.0] # Initial rate constant values

# Catalyst system setup
@parameters k[1:12] # Rate constants 
@variables t        # Time 
@species A(t)[1:nMax] B(t)[1:nMax] C(t)[1:nMax] # Symbolic system variables: A, B, and C aggregate size counts 
# Create reaction system
system = allReactions(nMax,A,B,C,k,t)

# For ODEs:
# Map symbolic paramaters to values.
pODE = Pair.(collect(k),ksInit)
# Map symbolic state vectors to vector of initial values. 
u₀MapODE = Pair.([collect(A); collect(B); collect(C)], zeros(Float32,3*nMax))
# Create problem object
odeProblem = ODEProblem(system,u₀MapODE,(0.0,Inf),pODE)
# Create integrator object
integODE = init(odeProblem,KenCarp3())

# For stochastic problem:
# Map symbolic paramaters to values.
pStoch = Pair.(collect(k),ksInit)
# Map symbolic state vectors to vector of initial values. 
u₀MapStoch = Pair.([collect(A); collect(B); collect(C)], zeros(Int32,3*nMax)) 
# Create problem object
discreteProblem  = [DiscreteProblem(system, u₀MapStoch, (0.0,Inf), pStoch)]
jumpProblem   = [JumpProblem(system, discreteProblem[1], Direct(), save_positions=(false,false))]
# Create integrator object as the only component of a vector of length 1
integStoch = [init(jumpProblem[1], SSAStepper())]

# Create GUI figure
fig, axA, axB, axC, parameterSliders, run, reset = guiFigureSetup(ksInit)
xLimTimeAv = [5.0] # Stores a time average of max values for updating xlims

# Set up observable objects for a, b, and c ODE results
deterministicAObservable = Observable(zeros(Float32, nMax))
deterministicBObservable = Observable(zeros(Float32, nMax))
deterministicCObservable = Observable(zeros(Float32, nMax))
# Initialise line plots for ODEs
lines!(axA, deterministicAObservable, collect(1:nMax), color=(:red,1.0),   linewidth=6)
lines!(axB, deterministicBObservable, collect(1:nMax), color=(:green,1.0), linewidth=6)
lines!(axC, deterministicCObservable, collect(1:nMax), color=(:blue,1.0),  linewidth=6)
# Set up observable objects for a, b, and c stochastic results
stochasticAObservable = Observable(zeros(Int32, nMax))
stochasticBObservable = Observable(zeros(Int32, nMax))
stochasticCObservable = Observable(zeros(Int32, nMax))
# Initialise bar plots for stochastic results 
barplot!(axA, collect(1:nMax), stochasticAObservable, direction=:x, bins=collect(0.5:1.0:nMax+0.5), color=:red)
barplot!(axB, collect(1:nMax), stochasticBObservable, direction=:x, bins=collect(0.5:1.0:nMax+0.5), color=:green)
barplot!(axC, collect(1:nMax), stochasticCObservable, direction=:x, bins=collect(0.5:1.0:nMax+0.5), color=:blue)

# Pull parameters from slider positions
kObservables = [s.value for s in parameterSliders.sliders]

# Set up button actions 
isrunning = Observable(false)
on(run.clicks) do clicks
    # Start or stop when "run" button is clicked
    isrunning[] = !isrunning[]
on(reset.clicks) do clicks
    # Reset integrators when "reset" button is clicked 
    isrunning[] = false

on(run.clicks) do clicks
    @async while isrunning[]       
        isopen(fig.scene) || break

        # Update ODE parameters according to sliders in GUI
        for i=1:12
            integODE.p[i] = kObservables[i][]
        # Update ODE results and plots

        # Update stochastic parameters according to sliders in GUI
        # Call remake to update stochastic integrator.
        # NB discrete problem, jump problem, and stochastic integrator stored in vectors so they can be mutated, not reassigned
        for i=1:12
            pStoch[i] = Pair(k[i],kObservables[i][])
        u₀MapStoch .= Pair.([collect(A); collect(B); collect(C)], integStoch[1].u) 
        discreteProblem[1] = DiscreteProblem(system, u₀MapStoch, (integStoch[1].t,Inf), pStoch)
        jumpProblem[1] = remake(jumpProblem[1],prob=discreteProblem[1])
        integStoch[1] = init(jumpProblem[end], SSAStepper())
        # Update stochastic results and plots

        # Find time averaged maximum value to set xlim
        xLimTimeAv[1] = (xLimTimeAv[1]*19+max(maximum(integStoch[1].u),maximum(integODE.u)))/20


ChrisRackauckas commented 1 year ago

Interesting. I cant run it right now: can someone post a quick video or gif?

chris-revell commented 1 year ago


Excuse the poor resolution on the gif

isaacsas commented 1 year ago

Cool, thanks for posting the code!

We need to figure out a nice way to share examples likes this outside of building them in the main docs. Maybe we can create a Catalyst examples repo and then the main docs can summarize them and link to the notebooks/scripts there.

ChrisRackauckas commented 1 year ago

This is what the SciMLTutorials repo should be revived for. We just didn't have anything left in there that was substanial enough to not just be in the docs.

isaacsas commented 1 year ago

That sounds good. But it would be nice to also have some CI on them too, to ensure they don't go stale.

chris-revell commented 1 year ago

Cool, thanks for posting the code!

We need to figure out a nice way to share examples likes this outside of building them in the main docs. Maybe we can create a Catalyst examples repo and then the main docs can summarize them and link to the notebooks/scripts there.

No problem, thanks for the tip on using remake

isaacsas commented 1 year ago

Glad it solved the issue!