Scrivener07 / FO4_Overlays

A framework that loads unique HUD elements when eye covering items are equipped.
MIT License
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Create additional examples of overlay implementation. #17

Open Scrivener07 opened 6 years ago

Scrivener07 commented 6 years ago

Any Overlays

Texture Overlays

Scrivener07 commented 6 years ago

@BlahBlahDEEBlahBlah said..

I’d watch a video on how to make an overlay of a screen monitor so that what you would normally see looks as if looking at a monitor from within a vehicle, perhaps an APC. :wink:

Scrivener07 commented 6 years ago

I have decided to create a script aware example for the Scouter Mod.

The full idea for the Scouter mod was described by @Ruddy88

So, full file idea: Out of combat, have a visor overlay with a text box that says "not in combat". When you enter combat, change this to "Combat Initiated". Below that have a text box that, when in combat, displays your current health as a string (and maybe as a bar if thats at all possible?). And in the non combat state have a small animated element to it, perhaps the text "scanning" with an animated ". . ." after it to show keyframe and perhaps a rotating circular icon to show tween animation (like a loading screen).

Scrivener07 commented 6 years ago

I am also considering WestTek for an example.

Scrivener07 commented 6 years ago

@NovaFinch is trying to bait me into making an ODST style health meter replacer. :100:

Possibly an example.

Scrivener07 commented 6 years ago

There is also the ye'olde bouncy ball for player input I made for another project. Look in the lower left corner of this video. The little grey ball would make a fine example.

Ruddy88 commented 6 years ago

The full features I wanted in the scouter mod are:

On Enemy rollover (in crosshairs): Display enemy name, level and health.

Enemy not in crosshairs: Display "scanning" with animated trailing dots "..." Also a text field that display random alphanumeric string, animated (so like, switching between 3 or 4 strings to look like some bit of code).

Displayed all the time: Player health. Player AP. Compass.

Displayed when gun is out: Ammo count and type. Equipped weapon.

That's the overall idea for the moment, but will also tie in globals controlled by an mcm so users can toggle features on and off. Thinking of it as a sort of HUD replacement for people who hide HUD elements normally, but with options to turn off features for people who still use vanilla hud (dont need two compasses for eg).

Not sure how far you want to roll with it, I'm happy to implement all the different bits and pieces just need something to start with that I can pick apart and work out how it is all out together. Thanks for all your help with this man