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Suggestions for the Advanced User Support agreement with Sigma2 #21

Open JamesSample opened 1 year ago

JamesSample commented 1 year ago

At the start of the SeaBee project, we discussed setting up an Advanced User Support (AUS) agreement with Sigma2. The purpose of this is to get additional support from Sigma2 for things beyond the scope of the standard helpdesk.

The Sigma2 helpdesk has been great so far, so the AUS is not a high priority for the moment. However, I'd like to use this issue to gather ideas for things we could include as part of an AUS in the future. After the NFR review in April, I'll setup a meeting with Sigma2 to discuss ideas in more detail.

@knl88 @deviirmr @awigeon @jarlehr - As you're developing and testing on Sigma2, please keep the AUS in mind and comment here with any suggestions (please be as specific as possible).

So far we have:

knl88 commented 1 year ago

I would also suggest:

KristofferKa commented 1 year ago

Sigma2_Project-AUS-application_SeaBee.docx Sigma2's template for AUS applications attached/uploaded here ☝🏻 (prefilled on initial headlines, but lacking the details on specific needs)

The template says "2019", but is the most recent one (and the only one I've been able to dig up) @JamesSample @knl88 @deviirmr