Segfault-Inc / Multicorn

Data Access Library
PostgreSQL License
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Support for JOINs #262

Open alexguanga opened 3 years ago

alexguanga commented 3 years ago

Hi all,

We are trying to extract JOINS from the queries (or even the query itself would be helpful).

We are using, which is built on top of Now, if we try to PG join like SELECT col_a FROM foreign_table_a LEFT JOIN foreign_table_b USING (primary_key), the translation in BigQuery is SELECT col_a FROM foreign_table_a. This makes complete sense based on the bigquery_fdw's query builder.

However, is there any way to extract the foreign table I want to join?

snth commented 3 years ago

I'm not sure whether this is exactly the same but I think my issue is related. I have the following stylized example:

WITH config(param) AS (
--        , ('B')
FROM config AS cfg
    ON fdw.param = cfg.param

The code above works fine and my multicorn object receives Qual('param', '=', 'A') as a parameter. However when I enable the commented out line for ('B') then the quals received by my multicorn object are an empty list quals == [].

I thought that perhaps with a simple LEFT JOIN postgres only does the filtering at the end but I had hoped that with the LATERAL join multicorn would receive each qual in turn.

Any ideas on how I could achieve the desired behaviour? Basically I would like my multicorn API calls to loop over a set of configured values in some other table.