Self-Evident / OneFileCMS

A single file cms - all in one file!
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File Listing Limit #28

Closed Harshmage closed 10 years ago

Harshmage commented 10 years ago

I'm working with OFCMS for a friend of mine, who just happens to have 119,000+ files on their server. Of course, that's between three different domains, but the primary site is...big. The root dir is 29 folders and 495 loose files.

On one of the secondary domain folders, OFCMS works perfectly, but it has significantly less files than the primary on the root.

So if there is a limit to listing a single directory, what would it be?

Self-Evident commented 10 years ago

Well, I've been away from this project for a while, but that's a good question. Unfortunately, I don't know the answer. I'll have to do some tests to see. If you have any additional info that may be helpful, please let me know. Thanks for posting the issue!

Self-Evident commented 10 years ago

As of v3.5.09, it takes 1-4 seconds to display or resort a directory with 200 files. That is on an 8 year old 2.5gz single core cpu, running XP.

So, while there is no technical limit, it may become impractical if there are more than a few hundred files in a single directory. That practical limit will have to be determined for a given client computer & browser.