Self-Evident / OneFileCMS

A single file cms - all in one file!
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Doesn't work in IE. #29

Closed Self-Evident closed 10 years ago

Self-Evident commented 10 years ago

Probably related to all the new javascript code added for client side sorting...

Update: The issue is due, at least in part, to a limitation in IE's ability to use innerHTML to write to <tbody> tags. Possible resolutions include: 1) a complicated re-write to use rather slow DOM methods, or 2) a (less?) complicated re-write that builds the entire table table with js (currently the header row is just output as html server-side). Or, 3) wrap the rows that make up the actual list with <table> tags, and stick it into a single <td colspan=7> of the parent table. (whoops - then header columns won't line up with data columns...) Or, 4) Not worry about it.

I think that last idea would be the simplest. However, part of the convenience of OneFileCMS is to be able to use it when you're not at your workstation. And there's no guarantee that another browser will be available. So, I'll probably go with #3. But who knows... (I'll find out when I get there...)

Self-Evident commented 10 years ago

Fixed in 3.5.09. It wasn't as complicated as anticipated. It is a little slower, but, it's not bad if the current directory has fewer than a couple hundred files.