Closed stephenhart8 closed 10 months ago
The updated classes are as in the following diagram:
Modified scope notes:
This class expresses the intentional (or in other words in the social mind) relation that can exist between different participants to an event. This relation is not a spatio-temporal phenomenon that can be observed, unlike the participation itself, but a social state of mind of the participants or/and the observers. The type of relation can be documented with an instance of CX Participation Relation Type, based on a controlled vocabulary, while the quality of each participation in the relation can be expressed by instances of CX Participation Quality in a Participation Relation linking the instances of CX Participation and the instance of CX Participation Relation.
This class expresses the intentional role of a participant in relation to another participant. This means that this class describes the social characteristics of an actor, but in the specific context of a participation that bears some relation with another participation of an actor. For example, an actor participating in a conference could be the assistant of another actor who participates in this conference as the main speaker. This is different from the more general role an actor could have while participating (and therefore not connected to another specific participant). This class is not a temporal phenomenon such as the class sdh:C1 Entity Quality or its subclasses, but a propositional object related to the temporal phenomenon of the Participation Relation, an intentional state.
The classes and properties have been created in OntoMe:
As expressed in the issue #12, some individuals accompany other audiences, and it is important to record who is accompanying whom, especially if in one specific audience, 2 groups of two accompanying/accompanied are documented (person A accompanies person B, person C accompanies person D).
The first idea was to document the participation as a quality of the participation (with the qualities "personne accompagnée" and "personne accompagnant"), but with this approach, it would not be possible to identify who is accompanying who.
The idea is to link the participation together. The easiest and latest solution is to create a property between the two participations (such as "accompagne"), but this does not offer much granularity of information. Instead, it is better to:
In a diagram, it would look like:
My proposition of scope note would be:
Participation Relation
subclass of sdh:C7 Intentional State Scope Note: This class expresses the intentional (or in other words in the social mind) relation that can exist between different participations to an event. This relation is not a spatio-temporal phenomenon that can be observed, unlike the participation itself, but a social state of mind of the participants. The type of relation can be documented with an instance of CX Participation Relation Type, based on a controlled vocabulary, while the quality of each participation in the relation can be expressed by instances of CX Participation Quality in a Participation Relation linking the instances of CX Participation and the instance of CX Participation Relation.
Participation Quality in a Participation Relation
subclass of crm:E89 Propositional Object Scope Note: This class expresses the intentional quality of a participation in relation with another participation. This means that this class describes the social characteristics of a participation of an actor when it bears some connection with the participation of another actor during an event. This class is not a temporal phenomenon such as the class sdh:C1 Entity Quality or its subclasses, but a propositional object related to the temporal phenomenon of the Participation Relation, an intentional state.