ShadowJonathan / Essy

Easy Static Site Hoster (ESSH, spoken "Essy")
MIT License
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Interface Themes #9

Open ShadowJonathan opened 1 month ago

ShadowJonathan commented 1 month ago

We could have multiple distinct themes / vibes for the user to pick between, for the makeup of the management interface.

These wouldn't be different CSS stylesheets, but could actually be very different HTML makeups of pages and vibes.

The con to this would be that maintenance cost would increase; on every user-facing change, all the themes would have to be updated, and the original creator would have to be called upon to stretch the vibe they had set, or someone else would have to go ahead and emulate it.

ShadowJonathan commented 1 month ago

Currently having two thoughts about this;

  1. I'd want to keep custom shipped themes inside the repo for a moment, but provide a stable-ish interface for bundling user-made themes later, to be as simple as running pip install

  2. I want to maybe perhaps provide to the users an "advanced" feature where they can edit their own templates for their own editor window vibe, edit jinja2 directly, and have a fallback to the default theme if it gets an error, with the description of the error and whatnot.

This is wayyy later though, and probably a scope increase.