ShaneK / Matador

Front-end web interface for Bull Job Manager
MIT License
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Added category "delayed" #29

Closed andris9 closed 8 years ago

andris9 commented 8 years ago

This update adds new job category "Delayed" to correctly display jobs that previously were considered as stuck. Addresses

wearhere commented 8 years ago

Kudos for figuring out ko etc., well done!

ShaneK commented 8 years ago

Damn, I really need to rewrite this stuff... This is the definition of callback hell. I'm sorry! Also thinking about changing the UI to use angular instead of knockout (knockout was part of the stack we used when I worked for the company I made this for), thoughts anyone? I'll open an issue about it for comments. Also thanks for the comment on that date divisor. Interesting information.

Thanks a lot for the pull request!

bradvogel commented 8 years ago

Thanks for merging! Mind doing a npm publish for us?

ShaneK commented 8 years ago

Just did it! Sorry, had to increment the version and such first.