SharezoneApp / sharezone-app

Sharezone is a collaborative school organization app for iOS, Android, macOS and web with +500,000 downloads. Built with Flutter & Firebase.
European Union Public License 1.2
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Multi-language support | Internationalization #346

Open Th3Ph4nt0m opened 1 year ago

Th3Ph4nt0m commented 1 year ago

Sharezone is currently only available in German. This not only limits the company to the German-speaking market, but also presents communication difficulties for exchange students and people with a migration background who do not yet have a sufficient command of German.

Sharezone should therefore be available in several languages. Flutter has an article on this in the documentation: XX.

To realize the translations, English should be added as the first new language. This way, people from all over the world can translate the app into "their language" from English. Software like Weblate is best suited for this. Possibly, Sharezone even falls under a free licence with such a provider (Weblate or similar), since the project is open source.

YazeedAlKhalaf commented 1 month ago

I would like to help in localization, both Arabic and English.

I see you suggested Weblate, is it still recommended or shall we do it via GitHub only and using flutter_localizations directly and editing .arb files?