More on WL accounts, the joomla admin pages are now different so when adding new WLs something has changed, in particularly linking to the old WL account info.
As a result when adding Craig as a WL, he now has four entries in the old WL page and the drop down box for WLs, I can't delete the other three entries.
It's still necessary to have the old WL account info for the planning pages, hence info. how to add WL ccounts correctly is needed.
(I've just added Michelle C as a walk leader, started with adding her to the old WL system then the new joomla account system and this looks to have worked, I probably started with the new WL system previously then the old)
More on WL accounts, the joomla admin pages are now different so when adding new WLs something has changed, in particularly linking to the old WL account info. As a result when adding Craig as a WL, he now has four entries in the old WL page and the drop down box for WLs, I can't delete the other three entries. It's still necessary to have the old WL account info for the planning pages, hence info. how to add WL ccounts correctly is needed. (I've just added Michelle C as a walk leader, started with adding her to the old WL system then the new joomla account system and this looks to have worked, I probably started with the new WL system previously then the old)