ShichenLiu / SoftRas

Project page of paper "Soft Rasterizer: A Differentiable Renderer for Image-based 3D Reasoning"
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Symmetry Problem #94

Open NathanWaaang opened 2 years ago

NathanWaaang commented 2 years ago

Hi there! When I tried to use SoftRas for creating 3D mesh, I found a left-right symmetry problem. More specifically, in the mesh of data\obj\spot\spot_triangulated.obj, the cow has two spots on the left rump and one spot on the right rump. But when I run the code in examples\, the result turns to be one spot on the left rump and two spots on the right rump. In another scene, I use SMPL to generate a human mesh, which should have the left foot in front, but after rendering it with soft-renderer, the right foot is in front. That is, the left and right are reversed. I tried to fix it with `mesh.vertices[:,:,0] *= -1`, but some rendering errors occurred. It would be great if there is any possible solution for me. Thanks a lot!