Shimell / DiscordWhitelisterSpigot

Spigot plugin that allows whitelisting users through a discord text channel.
MIT License
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Feature Request: Ability to reload whitelist from within discord #14

Closed Wolfieheart closed 4 years ago

Wolfieheart commented 4 years ago

What are you reporting?

If Feature Request, what are you requesting to be added?

New Command

Describe the feature you want to be added:

The ability to use a command on discord to reload the whitelist on the fly - So for example, if you run a patreon that allows instant whitelist to the server, you can easily whitelist a user using !whitelist add userName then immediately reload the whitelist for that server as follows:

Figure 1: Example of Discord Embed with command Example of what this should look like (Made with Discohook, Webhook Generator)

What the above shows, is a user enters the command !whitelist reload and the bot responds "\<user>, the whitelist has been reloaded".

Hope it makes sense what I am requesting. If not, feel free to reply here and I will attempt to reply ASAP. ~ Wolfstorm

Shimell commented 4 years ago

I'm not entirely sure what you mean, why would the whitelist file need "reloading", the bot command whitelists the user and the whitelist file is instantly updated. You can add me on Discord (Joe#5782) to explain further.