ShizukuIchi / winXP

🏁 Web based Windows XP desktop recreation.
MIT License
5.55k stars 400 forks source link

I made a similar webOS system #9

Closed OXOYO closed 5 years ago

OXOYO commented 5 years ago

This system is so beautiful, the system is highly restored.

I made a similar webOS system. It is based on Vue and koa. X-WebDesktop-Vue

disjfa commented 5 years ago

Lol, lets manage the "apps". I need a minesweeper for my win3.1 edition

ShizukuIchi commented 5 years ago

Great work! @OXOYO @disjfa I would like to see a vue version minesweeper.XD

disjfa commented 5 years ago

Nobody helps me, so i had to implement it myself....