Shoalsteed / I2P-Secure-Design-Collective

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Ports/ Warnings #157

Open Shoalsteed opened 1 year ago

Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago

copied over from

I have seen a number of users who don't quite understand why their router is telling them "Firewalled" because for many of them the problem is a home router's NAT and not a true "firewall" at all. The text at ​http://localhost:7657/confignet#help doesn't give them the info they need right away, and I think we have the power to correct this, to help these users begin relaying participating traffic.I have seen a number of users who don't quite understand why their router is telling them "Firewalled" because for many of them the problem is a home router's NAT and not a true "firewall" at all. The text at ​http://localhost:7657/confignet#help doesn't give them the info they need right away, and I think we have the power to correct this, to help these users begin relaying participating traffic.

This should be included in the Software section on the site in a Router Troubleshooting section. Modified text from OP's issue.

Firewalled - Your I2P router appears unable to receive incoming connections, though this message is sometimes displayed in error and may resolve itself soon. It is very beneficial for an I2P router to have an open listening port, though it will still work even while Firewalled. Check that any firewalls on your home network are open to allow TCP and/or UDP traffic to this device on {$PORT, TCP port $TCPPORT and UDP port $UDPPORT}, and that your router or modem (if present) are set to forward {TCP port $TCPPORT and UDP port $UDPPORT, port $PORT} to this device. You may look up your ISP's router's model (or a similar one) on ​ \[CLEARNET WARNING\] for instructions on how to do this. If this message persists, consider that you may have both a hardware and a software firewall, or that you may be behind an additional firewall you cannot control. Also, some home network routers cannot correctly forward both TCP and UDP on a single port, or may have other limitations that prevent them from participating in porting traffic for your I2P router.

WARN - Firewalled and Fast - You have configured I2P to share more than 128KBps of bandwidth, but you appear to be firewalled. While an I2P router will work moderately well in this configuration, if you really have over 128KBps of bandwidth to share, you will get better performance and will be much more helpful to the network if you ensure that any firewall(s) and your local network's router are set to allow or forward traffic to {TCP port $TCPPORT and UDP port $UDPPORT, port $PORT} on this machine.

WARN - Firewalled and Floodfill - You have configured your I2P router to be a floodfill router, but you are firewalled. For best participation as a floodfill router, you should open your firewall and ensure that I2P's router port ($PORT) is forwarded to this computer on your local network's router, if you have one.

WARN - Firewalled with Inbound TCP Enabled - You have configured inbound TCP, however your UDP port is firewalled, and therefore it is likely that your TCP port is firewalled as well. If your TCP port is firewalled with inbound TCP enabled, other I2P routers will not be able to contact you via TCP, which will harm your I2P network performance. Please open your firewall and ensure that I2P's UDP port ($UDPPORT) is forwarded to this computer on your local network's router, if you have one - or disable inbound TCP.

WARN - Firewalled with UDP Disabled - You have disabled UDP traffic and appear to be firewalled against incoming TCP connections, therefore your I2P router cannot accept any inbound connections. Please open your firewall and ensure that I2P's TCP port ($TCPPORT) is forwarded to this machine on your local network's router, if you have one - or enable UDP.

Shoalsteed commented 8 months ago

Need to add to gitbook!