Shoalsteed / UX

UX Overview March 5
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Closed Shoalsteed closed 1 year ago

Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago

Video of I2P talk at Chemnitz Linux Tag, Lars Schimmer, March 14-15, 2009 ( will not load )

Into the I2P Darknet: Welcome to Cipherspace Adrian Crenshaw. Schmoocon Firetalk, January 2011 ( no active link on site - remove )

I2P / Tor Workshop Notes Adrian Crenshaw. DEF CON 19, Las Vegas, August 6, 2011. ( nothing on page )

Modern cipherspace ecosystems, 0x375 0x06 (Thessaloniki Tech Talk Sessions), November 4, 2011. ( dead link? )

2003 Business Week article referencing invisiblenet September 14, 2003. ( Paywall)

zzz interviewed by March 2009 German translation ( neither link works )

I2P - Anonymity for the Masses, Jonathan Cox, November 11, 2011. ( Link wrong/ dead )

*** not sure if some are seeded inside Postman's tracker and his is not refererenced?

Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago

New links:

A Darknet Other than Tor? I2P, blockchain and the application - an Introduction:

Private, fully distributed exchange (DEX), Monero & I2P research results :

sadie and DIVA.EXCHANGE talk about privacy-protecting technology, liberty, research and I2P applications

Shoalsteed commented 1 year ago

moved to gitlab